100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。




I would say that not much of my image of Japan has changed after this trip.

20150520_124703 20150520_105848実は沖縄に来たのは初めてではなく、したがって日本に来たのは初めてではありません。しかし、八重山列島に来たのは初めてです。今回私が沖縄を選んだ理由は、美しい海があることと都市から離れていることを除けば、違う文化があること自然に触れられるからです。長年にわたり、日本は進歩しとても近代化したが、それでも日本の伝統がよく残っているのが良い点でした。それに対して、沖縄では、伝統や文化だけでなく自然も保護され、沖縄諸島の大部分は本土のように近代化の手が及んでいないので、沖縄は私のお気に入りでした。私は西表島と小浜島の二島で過ごしました。両島はすぐ隣同士の島なのにかなりの違いがあります。二日目、私は西表島のマングローブ林と密林地帯を苦労して進みました。自分が知らないことが日本にあったことにとても驚きました。一方で、小浜島の浜辺に行くのを私は楽しみにしていました。二、三年前に沖縄本島の那覇を訪れた際、沖縄の美しい海を一目見ることができなかったので、今回それができてよかったです。

This is actually not my first time in Okinawa, and definitely not my first time in Japan. It is, however, my first time visiting the Yaeyama islands. The reason why I chose Okinawa for this project was that other than the beautiful ocean and being away from the city, it had a different culture as well as the experience of being closer to nature. The rest of Japan has progressed and modernized significantly over the years, however, a good thing was that traditions in Japan are still well preserved. In comparison, in Okinawa, the nature was also preserved, in addition to traditions and cultures, and not much of the islands are touched by the modernization like the rest of Japan. Everything is still kept simple, minimal and close to nature which was something I really liked. I’ve spent time in 2 islands, namely Iriomotejima and Kohamajima, both very different despite being right next to each other. The mangroves and the heavily forested areas on iriomotejima that I managed to trek through on my second day something I did not know was present in Japan, and it was quite a surprise actually. On the other hand, the beaches on Kohamajima was something I was looking forward to and I was glad I could catch a glimpse of the beautiful sea in Okinawa that I didn’t manage to a couple of years back when I visited the main island, Naha.


沖縄は日本本土とは全然違う! Okinawa is different!

20150519_182241-e1432217786866 20150521_142837沖縄は異なります。人々も文化も異なり、沖縄のほとんどを太陽と砂と海が占めているのです。

Okinawa is different – the people are different, the culture is different and there’s only the sun, sand and sea for most parts of it.


At Iriomotejima, mangroves was something I didn’t expect to be present until I chanced upon the information during the little research I did prior to the trip. Being able to kayak through the mangroves and being able to go upclose to the plants was definitely one of the more memorable experience I had on the island. The kayaking was done close to sunset, and even though it was too cloudy to see the sunset, the view of the river was still amazing with all the plants surrounding area in the mangroves and hills.


One other experience that was memorable for me on taketomi island was the glass boat tour. The glass boat tour made up a little for the disappointment for the phantom island trip that I was very much looking forward to even before coming to Japan. The beautiful corals underwater could be seen clearly with the different fishes in their natural habitat. Even though I couldn’t swim and snorkel as planned, it was a nice alternative to allow me to still see what was underwater in these beautiful Okinawa waters. Also on the star sand beach, it was nice that I could actually find the star shaped sand myself. It was also quite a sight to see a group of Japanese grandmas crouching over the beach and searching hard as well to fill up their bottle, so I had helped them out a little before I had to rush off on the bus.


日本だけにあり、他のどの国にもないもの。 Only in Japan and nowhere else.


If I had to choose an experience that made me feel that it was a very Japanese experience, it would be having the bento lunch during my trekking activity at Iriomotejima. The bento was a uniquely Japanese thing and having it for lunch during the trail was nice. This was because usually when I have to pack lunch for such activities, it would be something like a sandwich, but a nicely packed bento set was definitely something that I could only experience in Japan and I was thankful that the resort was able to prepare it for the activity. Being able to have lunch by the waterfall made the experience special as well, as it was not something that I am able to do normally. Just sitting along the water bank and watching the stream flow while eating lunch was a really relaxing experience for a break during the trek through the jungle trail.



One other experience that would stick with me would be the grandpa guide on my buffalo cart ride singing the traditional Okinawa folk song while playing the samisen. He was very passionate about introducing the buffalo that was pulling our cart and the Taketomi islands. From the way he spoke, one could sense the love he has for the animal and the plaace itself. I was glad that I was able to understand about half of what he was saying with my limited Japanese language knowledge. It was pretty awesome that I could experience something a little more traditional in Okinawa because my entire stay here at the Yaeyama islands were more geared towards the nature activities.


暖かくて誠実な心で With warm and sincere hearts


This segment is going to be dedicated to the few ladies who made my stay such a comfortable and relaxing one, so there’s going to be more than one being shared.

20150520_085150リゾナーレ 西表島に、足を踏み入れてすぐに、ヨウコさんとシイさんに出会いました。ヨウコさんは実に陽気で、全てに良く気が付く方で、そこでの短い滞在期間で私が必要としていた方でした。石垣島への早めのフライトから降りてすぐに、バスからフェリー、そしてバスへと乗り継いで、そのリゾートホテルに到着しましたが、ヨウコさんと出会い、彼女の笑顔を見ることで、そこまでの移動で疲れていたにもかかわらず、心から気分を高めてくれ、幸せ気分にしてくれました。また、シイさんは、私が到着した日に行うことができる課外活動の手配を手早く助けてくれた方です。そのおかげで現地での時間を有効に使うことができました。

At Risonare Iriomotejima, I was met by Yoko san and Shi san immediately when I stepped in. Yoko san was really bubbly and she was the one that took care everything that I might have needed during my short stay there. Even though I just got off an early flight to Ishigaki and a bus-ferry-bus transfer to get to the resort, meeting Yoko san and seeing her smile really lifted my mood and made me feel happy despite being tired from all the traveling. Also, Shi san, who promptly helped arranged activities that could be done on the day of my arrival, so I could make full use of my time there.

20150521_173223-e1432214422168 リゾナーレ 小浜島で、サチさんやヤンさんと出会えたことも嬉しかったです。サチさんはここで滞在している間、全てにおいて気遣って下さった方で、ヤンさんはアクティビティを支援してくだいました。滞在最終日に、当初のアクティビティは雨が降って中止になってしまいました。それでも、ヤンさんはすぐにその日に行える課外活動を探し始めてくれました。私が実際に小浜島に到着する前に、島で実在しない課外活動を手配したかもしれないと思ったので、実際に到着する前にヤンさんに電話で連絡を取りました。すると実に親切に予約の手配を手伝ってくれました。その後、そのアクティビティは中止になったので、ヤンさんはサチさんが連れてきたジョイスと私で島の周りをドライブできるように手配してくれました。そのおかげで、雨降っているもかかわらず、私達は島を見て回ることができました。サチさんは本当に優しく語りかけられる方で、私達がそれぞれ体験したことのあるカナダにいた頃についての話や、その他にもたくさんのことをお互いに語り合いました。予定を変更したことで、さらに彼女たちと知り合いになる時間を過ごすことができたことが嬉しかったです。

At Risonare Kohamajima, Sachi san and Yang san were a pleasure to meet as well. Sachi san was the one who took care of everything during my stay here and Yang san was the one helping with the activities. During my last day when the initial activity was cancelled, Yang san immediately started looking up activities that I could do for the day despite the rain. Before I actually arrived in Kohamajima, I’ve actually communicated with Yang san prior on the phone so that I could have the phantom island activity arranged, and she was really nice to help make reservations for me before I arrived. Subsequently when it was canceled, she arranged for a drive whereby Sachi brought Joyce and I around the island so we could still see the island despite the rain. Sachi san was really nice to talk to and we could share stories about the time we each had in Canada and many other things as well. I was glad that I was able to spend more time to get to know these ladies due to the change of plans.


I am also really thankful of how meticulous these ladies were not only with helping me make this trip a more fulfilling one with the different activities that I did, but also working out and coordinating the different shuttle bus and ferry times that I had to make so that I would be able to get to my next destination without a glitch. Their genuine and warm hearts in treating me like a friend is something that I really appreciated and I am grateful for all their help in making this trip a smooth one.


20150521_163436普通はできないような、非常にたくさんの異なったアクティビティーをする機会に恵まれたので、この旅で不満な点はほとんどありません。また、沖縄は前からお気に入りの場所だったので、より深く探索できたのは、本当に良かったです。でも、もしこの旅で気に入らなかったことを何か探さなければならないとすれば、旅が短かったので、島の間を渡るフェリーに乗っている時間が多すぎたことです。これは私が行った二つの島の間のフェリーが足りないからで、そのためほとんどのフェリーのルートはこの地域の主要 港である石垣港を通らなくてはならなかった点が問題でした。西表島と小浜島は隣り合わせにあるのですが、両者の間を結ぶフェリーが一日 一回しかなかったので、トレッキングのアクティビティーをしていて、それに乗ることができませんでした。その結果、私は西表島から石垣港に戻り、それから小浜島に向かわなければならなかったので、二時間近くかかりました。もしもっと利用できるフェリーがあったら、代わりにその時間をもっと島を探検することに費やすことができたのにと感じました。最後の日、リゾナーレ 小浜島のサチさんに、なぜ小浜島と西表島の間にもっと直行のフェリーがないのか尋ねました。彼女の答えは潮流が強いためということでしたが、そうだとするとこれはまあどうしようもないですね。

There was hardly anything that I disliked about the trip, given that it was an amazing opportunity to do so many different activities that I would normally not be able to do. Also, Okinawa has been my favourite place in Japan for quite a while now and to be able to explore more of the islands was something that I was really glad that I could do. However, if I had to nitpick on something that I didn’t like about the trip, it was that given that the trip was a short one, there was too much time spent on the ferry rides between the islands. This was a result of the lack of ferries between the 2 islands I went to, whereby most ferry routes will have to go through Ishigaki port, which was the main port of the area. Iriomotejima and Kohamajima are side by side, however, there was only 1 connecting ferry during the day, which I was unable to catch due to my trekking activity. As a result I had to return to the Ishigaki port from Iriomotejima and then proceed to Kohamajima and took close to 2 hours. I felt that the time could have been spent exploring more of the islands instead if there were more ferries available. On my last day, I did ask Sachi san from Risonare Kohamajima why there wasn’t more direct ferries between Kohamajima and Iriomotejima, and she mentioned that it was due to the strong tides – which is something that can’t be helped I guess.


20150519_060607Telecom Wifiはこのプロジェクトの沖縄旅行の時に役立っただけでなく、日本での旅行中ずっと救いの神となったことを特筆しておきます。

Featuring the Telecom Wifi that has been helpful not only for my trip to Okinawa for this project but also being a lifesaver for the rest of my journey in Japan.


The view of Ishigakijima from up above in the Peach flight shortly before landing.

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