100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


日本にまた行きたいです。 Go to Japan again



Actually,although this is the eighth time about I visit to Japan, but this is the first time visit to Hokkaido,I’m looking forward to, because I’ve always wanted to visit Hokkaido.
And my previously impression of Japan has been a very comfortable, have etiquette, environment, application space and democratic qualities. I was impressed by Japan really is a worthwhile place come to here ,savor again so many beautiful places in Hokkaido but really feel sad about I can not be completed in a short time, but the natural beauty of Hokkaido I will properly stored in my wonderful memory.


私は変わった旅行者です。 I am a crazy passenger


I was the crazy passengers, driving a car more than four hours to see the beautiful Cherry blossoms芝桜, but the distance is so far,so I missed the chance to the gas station, I was trapped in the mountain with heavy rain when the fuel of my car was nearly out. Indeed, it was too foggy to see clearly, and I was about to run over the foxes on my way many times. I was afraid that I could not go back. Fortunately, depending on the rest of the gasoline I arrived トマム without mishap, thank people here whoever helped me.


私の周りの美しい場所 The beautiful place around me

image130111私は北海道にある、美しい芝桜と、透明な湖である 白金の青池に行きました。沢山の芝桜の花びらが地面に落ちていて、そこの人たちはこれを “ピンクのカーペット“ と呼んでいました (とても可愛かったです!!)。湖にも驚きました。私は本当に自然が大好きで、そのような景色は台湾ではあまり見る事が出来ません。美しい教会である、水の教会やトマムリゾートの親切なスタッフの人たちもとてもロマンチックでした。

”さよなら” と言ってここから帰るのが嫌でした。

I saw the beautiful “Cherry blossoms”  and clear lake in the Hokkaido area , many Cherry blossoms on the ground , many people called this phenomenon is “the pink carpet” (that is so cute!!)
And the lake is amazing . I really love nature very much, such scenery in Taiwan is very not easy to see.
Also the beautiful church(Church in the Water) and gracious waiters in the Tomamu resort that is so romantic. I don’t wanna say “goodbye” and leave here.
by the way, the seafood in Hokkaido and Tomamu can make my big mouth to gobble, I was very satisfied .


親切なインストラクター My teacher is the kind of man who works hard


I met the local Japanese is my Rafting Instructor, he teach me rafting ,and his name is Kita ,I call him “Kita-san” ,who was born in Osaka but he lived in Hokkaido about fourteen years. He took me rafting. However, his English is not very fluently. But during the rafting trip time, he has been told me a lot of Ecology about the river stories. For example, edible flowers , birds, water falls, and about the deer steak………. Fortunately, I feel the his energy and enthusiasm. Finally, he said he has not came to Taiwan yet, so I invite he could come to Taiwan someday if he has free time.



1. The speed limit  in Japan is only 70kph and 40kph, and I usually drive about 40kph~70kph. However, I am always surpassed by others, which motivates me to speed up.


Some food here is too salty, such as seafood, ramen and miso-soup. But I guess this is a feature in Japan.



This is my first time to drive in other country.
And the driver is set on the right,so excited and enjoy
thank you Tomamu.

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