100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


日本は発展した国 japan is a developed country

069_photo01 069_photo02一時的な文化が伝統と現代の間で融合している 食べ物は寿司だけでなく、麺類も。日本人の細かい部分へのこだわり、天才的な盛り付け方、そして最高の材料への追求が、料理という舞台において何が可能であるかという事についてのあなたのアイディアを変えてしまうしょうな食べ物を作り出している。私は山登り後に温泉に長く浸かるという組み合わせが大好きです。

Temporary culture combines between tradition and modern. The food is not only sushi but also noodle. The Japanese attention to detail, genius for presentation amd insistence on the fitnest ingredients results in food that can change your idea of what is possible in the culinary arena. I love the combination of a hike in the mountains followed by a long soak in an onsen.


不運 unlucky


The first day, I had to fly to Hokkaido. After i received Jr ticket by the staff, i went to the train and my unlucky start. I went down wrong stop, because i did not know Japanese language, so i waited for 2 hours to comeback. It was raining and cold.


案内所が必要でした。 need an information office.


When i came to Japan, i can not speak japanese. I realized that japanese people can not speak English well. It is difficult for me to ask them everything. In every station has an information office where helpful for me very much. If i want to know about train or bus, they will give me a map of them and show me timetable. They still introduce to me where i can go sighseeing, eating, more and more.


日本人はとっても優しいです japanese people are very kind


When i came to Hokkaido and took the train to Tomamu, but i went down wrong stop. I did not know how to get Tomamu. So, i standing with my bag looking very confused in the middle of the station. The train was nobody, because this was small train station. Suddenly a man started to approach me. He said to me that: ” may i help you?”. I was very suprised and told him where i had to go. He took me walked to the opposite platform and showed me how to take the train back to Tomamu. He really seemed happy to be helping me. I thanked him and we said goodbye. I will never forgot his kindness.


069_photo07私は5月に北海道を訪問しました。天候はまだ寒くて雨降りでした。天気が良くなかったので、あっちこっちに行って美しい場所を見ることはできませんでした。リゾートでは雲海の空を見ることが出来のですが、私はその幻想をみえることができませんでした。 夜になると、リゾートは静かで暗くなります。リゾートの周りに散歩に行くとなると、怖い感じがします。 日本人は英語が上手く話せないので、全てのことを質問することはできませんでした。ボディランゲージを使って理解しようとしました。日本でのショッピングはお金がかかります。あまりお金がなければ、ここでは沢山のものを買うことは出来ません。

I came to Hokkaido on May. The weather is still cold and raining. Because the weather is not good, i can not go everywhere i can and see beautiful places. At the resort can see sky in Unkai, but i can not see the wonderful of it. At night, the resort is very quiet and dark. If i want to go walk around this resort, i feel scare. The japanese people can not speak English well, so i can not ask them everything. We just use body language to understand. It is expensive to buy something in Japan. If we do not have much money, you can not buy everything at here.



I knew Japanese train is modern and developed before, but now i seeJR-EAST train and Shinkansen and i think it is wonderful. Trains run right on time and fast.

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