100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


絵のように美しい秘密の島々 Picturesque, secluded islands


Japan in my mind was about efficient lifestyle, state-of-the-art technologies and modern architectures. However, with its unspoiled natural beauty, Okinawa has given me a new perspective on Japan.


The Yaeyama Islands, which cover a total of 8 islands, have some of the bluest, clearest waters in the world with different species of marine animals, and many types of coral reefs and even mangrove swamps. The streams and waterfalls alongside the Urauchi River on Iriomote Island were so beautiful that you have to come and see it for yourself.


When you think the artificial structures would disrupt the nature, it does not. Despite the large scale of the resorts, it managed to blend into its surrounding environment without causing much disturbance to the nature. At night I found myself immersed in the soothing sound of the sea waves as well as the songs of birds without having to leave my hotel room.


竹富島 - 千年以上の歴史がある伝統的な島 Taketomi - a traditional island with over a thousand years of history


The half day tour in Taketomi was a memorable, eye-opening experience. The island was home to only 350 people, one third of whom aged over 70.


The first thing I did was to tour around the island by bus. The bus stopped by a beach renowned for its star-shaped sands. Everybody went looking for the ‘stars’, which were said to bring happiness.



005次に、私達はガラス張りのグラスボートツアーを楽しみ、そこでは貴重なサンゴ礁や様々な種の海洋生物を見ることができました。海水が水晶のように澄み切っていたので、数メートル深い海の中まで見ることができました。 色鮮やかな魚たちが、明るく強烈な色をしたサンゴ礁の庭を大勢で泳ぎまわる様子は、お見逃しなく。

Next we went for a glass-bottom boat tour, in which I saw the precious coral reefs and different species of marine animals. The water was so crystal clear that it was possible to see through metres deep into the water. The abundance of colourful fishes swimming in the vibrant coral gardens was a scene not to be missed.




The whole tour ended with a water buffalo cart ride, accompanied by a senior local guide. Towards the end of the ride, he played an Okinawan musical instrument ‘sanshin’ and sang along. Together with the scenery of traditionally-built
houses, I smelled the scent of simple village life in the air.


浦内川沿いでのトレッキング Trekking along Urauchi River


With the help of a friendly guide, Mr. Arai, my first trekking was made possible. Along Urauchi River on Iriomote Island, we trekked for hours to explore the natural beauty of the famous national park of Japan. The first part of the trekking route was not that difficult and even beginner could participate in.


Along the way we looked at 7 stunning streams and 2 breathtaking waterfalls. Having a bento by the side of the beautiful waterfall was just something that we do not normally get to do every day.


010What was more, throughout the journey, Mr. Arai gave us information about the natural inhabitants and plants with great details, which helped me learn a lot about the island.


最高のおもてなし Hospitality at its best


Throughout the trip, many people have left quite a strong impression on me. Especially the hotel staff who provided help to me in every possible way whenever I had any need. The big smiles on their faces made the cloud above my head go away. They also kept time very well and were extremely efficient.

013リゾナーレ 小浜島のサチさんは、とても親切で温かいおもてなしをされる方でした。旅行の最終日の前日のシュノーケリングの予定は、豪雨のために中止になりました。しかし、サチさんが私と新しくできた友達をドライブに連れ出してくれて、島の周りを走りながら日本の文化について幾つか説明してくれました。おかげで楽しい一日が過ごせました。サチさんに、他のスタッフの皆さんの懸命な働きに、そして今回の旅行を忘れられない経験にして下さった皆さんに、改めてお礼を申し上げたいです。

Ms. Sachi, from Risonare Kohamajima, was so kind and hospitable. On the second last day of the trip, my snorkelling activity got cancelled due to heavy rain. But then Ms. Sachi drove me and my new friend around the island and explained some Japanese cultures. She made my day. Thank you again to Ms. Sachi and many other staff for all their hard work and for making this a memorable experience.



The whole trip was very rich and well-planned that there was almost nothing I could critique about. The activities were fun and exciting; the hotel services were tailored to every individual’s needs; the flight, train and ferry all provided comfortable environment for passengers.


If I really have to be picky, I would say that maybe it would be a little bit more convenient had there been transfers between certain islands, such as between Kohama Island and Iriomote Island. However, other than that, everything went perfectly smooth. This is one of the best travel experiences I have ever had and I would certainly recommend Yaeyama Islands to my friends.



Chilling on a YAEYAMA KANKO FERRY departing from Kohama Island for Taketomi Island.

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