100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


伝統と現代性の素晴らしいコンビネーション Wonderful Combination of Tradition and Modernity

SONY DSCSONY DSC印象は特に変わりませんでした。日本に来たことがある友達から沢山のことを既に聞いていましたので、最終的に自分自身で見て、感じることができたことが素晴らしかったです。豊かな歴史や伝統とともに、富士山や多くの神社仏閣など、とても綺麗なパノラマを持つ日本が清潔で近代的な国だということは知っていました。日本は世界で最高の交通システムを有しているため、東京のような近代的な都市に行ったり、同じ日に京都の祇園、川越、鎌倉、または日本民家園のような古き日本へ新幹線で訪れることもできるのです。

Not at all. I have already heard many things from my friends who came to Japan but I was surprising when I was finally able to see and feel it on my own. I have known that Japan has very beautiful panorama like Mount Fuji, many shrines and temples, a clean and modern country with very rich tradition. When you can go to modern city like Tokyo (where you can find anything, Ikebukuro, Shinjuku, Shibuya, Tsukiji Fish Market, Ueno, etc) but in the same day you can go to Old Japan like Gion in Kyoto, Kawagoe, Kamakura or Nihon Minka-en with bullet train. Yes, Japan is a sophisticated country, especially Japan has the best transportation system in the world.


I also surprisingly knew that Japanese people are very polite and friendly. They helped me very often even they didn’t know how to speak English. Their bow, smiles and the word of “Arigatou Gozaimasu” can move everyone hearts. This is the one that I would never forget.


他人を思い遣ること Put Others Before Yourself

SONY DSC羽田空港に到着し、浜松町駅で停車するために電車に乗車する必要があったので、真っ直ぐ東京モノレール駅へ向かいました。それから列車を待っていた時、私の側に立っている女性がいました。その列車が浜松町へ行く路線なのかどうかを彼女に訊ねました。すると、今回が初めての日本旅行ですかと尋ねられたので、はいと応えました。そうしたら、じゃあ、私に付いて来て下さい。ご案内しますからと仰ってくれました。彼女は自分が住んでいる千葉に行きたいと仰っていたのですが、私のことを想って最後の駅まで連れていってくれるとは思っていませんでした。だって、私は千葉から遠く離れた東小金井にいくつもりだったのですから。

When I arrived in Haneda Airport, I just went straightly to Tokyo Monorail station because I need to take it before stop in Hamamatsucho station. Then when I waited for the train, there was a woman standing beside me. I asked her whether the train was the right line to go to Hamamatsucho. Then she asked me if it was my first trip to Japan and I said yes. She just said follow me, I will show you. I didn’t think she would help and took me until the last station, where she wanted to go to Chiba – it is where she lives. And I was going to Higashi Koganei, it was far from Chiba.


She even asked my friend’s mobile phone because I couldn’t call her since I didn’t buy sim-card in Japan. She called my friend twice to tell her that I have arrived in Japan and I was with her heading to Higashi Koganei station. She asked my friend to wait in Higashi Koganei station. Then I found that she was from Nepal but she is married with Japanese man and has been living in Japan for 4 years.


 I said thank you so many times and sorry because I was bother her to back home but she said it’s ok. She was the first person who I met in Japan and her kindness made my first impression about Japan is great. I was so thankful that I could meet her, otherwise I must be lost in my first day.


彼らは本当に私の心を感動させてくれました。 They Really Touched My Heart

SONY DSC今回の旅行で、私は多くの地元の日本人と出会いましたが、とっておきの1つを共有します。今回の旅の自由時間は3日間だったので、「カウチサーフィン」を利用しようと思いました。そうすれば、地元のホームステイ先を見つけられるし、新しい友達も作ることができる良い方法だと考えたからです。それから私は、ヒロタカさんとヒロコさんという名前の日本人カップルに出会いました。彼らはとても親切で、二人とも英語を喋ることができました。私は、ようやく自分と話せる人を得ることができたのでした。

There were many local Japanese that I met in this trip but I could only share one so here it is. Because Hoshino Resort gave 3 days period so I tried to ask helps from Couchsurfing where I could find homestay with the locals and I think it is a good way to have new friends too. Then I met a Japanese couple, their name are Hirotaka and Hiroko. They are very kind and they can speak English. Yes, I tried to find people who can speak English so I can have someone to talk to me.


On the last day, they asked me to have dinner together with them. I was really excited, it was pleasure that I can have dinner invitation from them, but I wanted to go to Kamakura on that day and I wasn’t sure what time I would be back since I couldn’t check the train timetable online. So I just said to them, I would be back approximately at 7.30 pm. But because it was the last day and I thought I had enough time to go to Odaiba after going to Kamakura, I just went straightly before trying to find how long it would take. It was ended with taking a wrong train so I needed to take another train to go to Odaiba and it was quite far. It was 7.00 pm when I got back from Odaiba and somehow I could online in Odaiba and I told Hirotaka that I would be late and to not waiting for me. He said that they would love to wait because they could have shower first.


When I arrived in the nearest station from Hirotaka’s home, I was really confused because it has already dark and I didn’t recognise the street and didn’t know how to find the way. I also forgot to ask the address but I had the map with no address. I actually could call Hirotaka with public telephone but I didn’t know where I was because all shops are even written in kanji!


Then I asked to a young boy who actually was riding his bicycle and I stopped him because there was no other people in that street. He was really kind and tried to help me even he couldn’t speak English. First he got confused too when he saw my maps but then he used his GPS to find the way that looked similar with my maps. He accompanied me and took me until I got the right way. I was really panic at that time so after I said Arigatou Gozaimasu, I just ran home and found that it was already 8.30 pm.


Hiroko said that Hirotaka was really worried and searching for me around the station. That’s the thing I was afraid and I have guessed that they would search for me. I came with different station anyway so he couldn’t find me. Because there were 2 station near from their house. I told Hiroko to call Hirotaka immediately that I have back home. I felt more guilty and sad when I saw that dinner has already set up in dining table. But they still welcomed me with their warmest smiles and said that it was okay. I tried myself to stop my desire to hug them because I was really thankful I could meet and know them. I hope I can meet them again someday.


SONY DSCJR EAST PASSで回ることのできない幾つかの街外れに足を伸ばしてみたのですが、交通費は信じられないほど高かったです。私が本当に動揺してしまった事は、日光に午後6時30分に到着したというのに、もうその時間に運行している他のバスがなかったということです。そのため、私にとって良心的とはいえない料金のタクシーに乗ること以外、選択の余地は残されていなかったのです。日光のような街には、もっと素晴らしい交通機関が備えなれるべきだと思います。なぜなら、日光は人気のある観光地の1つですからね。そうすれば恐らくもっと多くの人が日光に足を運んでくれると思います。

I went to some city side which is not covered with JR East Pass and the transportation cost was incredibly expensive. The most thing I was really upset when I arrived in Nikko around 6.30 pm, that wasn’t any other bus that operated in that time. So there wasn’t any choice but taking taxi which the price isn’t affordable for me. I think city like Nikko should have better transportation because it is one of the popular tourism destination, so if it has better transportation, maybe more people will come there.


Also the street directions were sometimes only written in kanji. I think it will be hard for people who can’t read it and we get lost, we don’t know where we are, since we can’t always ask to locals because not all people can understand English too. They also notify when we are reaching what station, only in Japanese language in some local trains that are outside Tokyo. It is very hard for people who don’t understand Japanese at all.



Train heading from Shinjuku to Omiya. It is very fast and comfortable train.

016JR EAST PASSを利用すると、本当に便利ですよ。5日の間なら、JR東日本区間の列車を何回でも利用することができるのです。

Using JR EAST PASS is really convenient. You can use it flexible 5 days from 14 days validity period. You can use JR-EAST trains in Eastern Part of Japan as many times as you like in 5 days.

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