100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


私の日本のイメージ My Image of Japan


Japan is way better than I expected. I had some expectations and they were all blown away. Japan really has everything and it a really diverse country packed into a small size. In Tokyo, it was a little warm, while in Hokkaido (where I stayed) it was generally cold and rainy. The landscape here is also beyond amazing. The people in Hokkaido are really incredible as well, and I feel so happy that they take tremendous pride in their country. This is my first time traveling to Japan and overseas, so this is definitely a great start to my travel life. Traveling alone in a vastly different country immensely expanded my mind, and even as I made mistakes, I still learned greatly from them. Japan is an amazing country and I hope to return


初めてのラフティング Rafting for the First Time.


I decided to go rafting with the Doronko Outdoor school. It was my first time ever rafting so I was excited to try it out and my guide was awesome! Going down the Sorachi River was beyond beautiful and the stream was really clear. My favorite part was when I jumped in to the water from a small cliff—it was really cold! It was also fun navigating down the stronger currents and trying to hold on; I almost fell a couple of times! Overall it was extremely fun and I am so glad I got to do it.


日本のおもてなし Japanese Hospitality


Japanese people are #1 in hospitality. From the moment I arrived, people were sure to make me feel welcome. During my stay, all the staff were more than willing to help me out and show me where things were. They took the time to make my stay easier and I will never forget that. Some even just took the time to chat with me. Everywhere I went, people were sure to greet me and bow. If there’s anything that Japan has perfected, it’s hospitality, and it’s an amazing skill making others feel welcomed in a foreign country.


リュウヘイ Ryuhei


I met many local people, but Ryuhei – my rafting guide – stuck out the most for me. He works at the Doronko Outdoor School and is 54 years old. From the beginning you could tell he was going to be a fun guy to be around. He has a good sense of humor and he managed to push me and challenge myself which is why my rafting trip was so memorable. I’ll remember him the most because halfway during the tour we stopped to have tea and he told me how he loves what he does and he is a perfectionist out on the river. He also introduced me to the traditional style bath after the tour, which was amazing. I’ll always remember that part of the trip.



Since Hokkaido is so vast, it takes a long time to get anywhere and it’s also really expensive. I was not able to visit a few places in Hokkaido due to price. Since the trains are a little complex, I got lost quite a few times and since trains do not come as often, you’re left waiting for a while if you miss a train. Also, I’m not used to being out in the country so sometimes the complete darkness made me a little uncomfortable. Not being able to completely understand and read Japanese was also a little hard for me, but I’m lucky that the staff at the resort could speak English.



On the train to Tomamu. The trains are super clean and punctual.

013Telecom Wifiを使って大事な命綱でした。どこでもネットに繋がったので、友人や家族と話せました。

Using the Telecom Wifi. It was a major lifesaver. I had connection everywhere so I could chat with friends/family.

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