100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


来る前よりイメージが良くなりました! It becomes better!

001私は昨年、東京に行きました。それ以来、私の日本に対する印象は、「環境がきれい、ゴミのポイ捨てがない」でした。その時の体験が本当に良かったので、もう一度日本を訪れることができたらと考えていました。星野リゾート 100 TRIP STORIESという企画のおかげで、今回は山の多い場所、長野を旅する機会を得ました。山にはゴミも果物の食べかすもありませんでした。さらに、登山者の人たちが会話しようとした時に、いつも声のトーンを抑えていたことにも驚きました。街に買い物に行くような感覚でハイキングに行く台湾の人々とは違い、日本人はとにかく歩いて、静かに写真を撮っていました。登山の時に自然を体感するのに完全に集中できたのは、初めてでした。

I went to Tokyo last year. My impression of Japan has become “the environment is always clean, no trash on the ground” since then. That expreience was so good that I hope to travel in Japan again. Thanks to Hoshino Resorts 100 TRIP STORIES, this time I have a chance to travel in a mountainous place, Nagano. There is still no trash or fruit seed in the mountains. Moreover, I was surprised that when hikers want to chat l, they always control their voice. Unlike people in Taiwan who go hiking as if they are shopping in the street, Japanese just walk and take pictures tranquilly. It was the first time that I could totally concentrate on experiencing natural during hiking.


地元のプロモーション Local promotion


I was appreciate Japanese attach so much importance to local promotion. Almost every city has their features, even the small town.
Moreover, almost every town has rental station which can rent bicycle for free.
It is convenient for travelers to use, and they can also get to know the place better by riding the bike around the city.
This let me feel Japan pay much attention to balance development on rural and urban areas.


偶然が生んだ友情 A friendship due to a surprising accident


At first I planned to go to Happoone; however, due to preparing insufficient for that, I did not know the gondora was closed on that day until I arrived there. Without any idea l, I came back to visitor information center to find out where to go next. When I was in the center, I found that I can rent a bicycle for free here, so I applied for it immediately.
A couple of Japanese said they also wanted to rent bicycles after me.
I ran into them again at Omachi Alpine Museum, and they still remembered me. This time, they helped me look around there.
Then we went to eat Shinsyusoba together. We talked a lot of things, such as Nagano’s wasabi, nozawana, even the difference between Taiwan and China!



Actually, there was nothing made me unhappy during this trip because everything is so amazing. But I was still trying to think of one: I did not get Hoshino’s breakfast
Basically, I will go out earlier if there are hiking in the itinerary. On the first and second days, I left the hotel at about 6 o’clock early. However, the Hoshino’s breakfast supply peroid start from 7 o’clock. Thus, I only had bread or onigiri for breakfast on past two days. I was extra excited when the first time I saw and ate the hearty breakfast at the last day, because it was so lavish that I regret I haven’t had any breakfast in the restaurant on the first two days.


007JR EAST PASSとテレコムスクエアのTelecom Wifiは、旅には非常に便利です。自分の現在地を確認できますし、いつでも電車の時刻表もチェックできます。

JR EAST PASS and Telecom Square Wifi router are very useful for traveling. I can confirm my location, check train timetable at anytime.

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