100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


ほれぼれする旅 For the Love of Travel


It has not changed much but it has definitely reinforced one thing – Japan offers me a wide variety of opportunities to experience something new and grow from the experience. Travelling in Japan has been very life-giving.


002Through this trip, I’ve once again felt how the the people in Japan are often considering others above self.


I was reading the foreword by the President of Hoshino Resorts found in a little booklet in the hotel room. I was blown away by his and the resort’s ambition – to help one fall in love with a place, over and over again.

この企画(100 TRIP STORIES)はまさしくその一環で行われたのでしょうね。

This project has done just that.


細かなこだわり It's all in the Details


I was just being eco-friendly when I placed the green magnet on the door of my hotel room. I didn’t expect anything in return. But when I came back in the afternoon, I found a thank you note and a little gift from the hotel.

界 アルプスでは、おいしい蒸したサツマイモとホットティーが私を出迎えてくれました。ガスストーブで蒸すのはあまり一般的ではないのか、薪ストーブが使用されていました。温泉では、レモンが浮かんだ冷たい飲み物と、その側には温泉の中でも読めるようになった防水の本を見かけました。

At Kai Alps, I was greeted by delicious steamed sweet potato and hot tea. Not the usual method of steaming over a gas stove, but using a wood-fired stove. At the onsen, I found lemons floating on the water with chilled drinks and waterproof books by the side.


These little surprises have been memorable.


特別なそば Not the Usual Soba


I love soba. I’ve tried cooking it myself but I just don’t seem to be able to get it right.


My friend brought me to a soba restaurant tucked away in a quiet corner of Yatsugatake. The ambience was magical. It felt like I was part of a Ghibli animation.


The food was amazing as well.
I enjoyed every bit of it.


おもてなし Omotenashi


I met my friend from University! She’s from Japan and we got to know each other when we were on exchange in Vancouver.


Through her, I was able to learn more about Yatsugatake from a different perspective – a local’s perspective.


She took time to bring me around Yatsugatake and shared with me things and places she liked in Yatsugatake. It was really thoughtful of her to take time off and spend it with me. It was really fun and I’m so grateful for her. She truly embodies what omotenashi means.


It was wonderful to catch up with her in a different country!



Japan has wonderful art collections. However, many a times the information about the art work is not available in English or truncated.


Similarly, travelling around Japan isn’t the easiest with the language barrier. For example, the lack of translation for restaurant menus and instructions.


That being said, the saving grace is the hospitality of the people; their willingness to explain in whatever way they can when asked a question and their thoughtful service.


However, there are exceptions. Some are not as patient when local customs are not followed. It’d be nice if we could all be understanding about our differences. As a tourist, I’d defer to the local customs as long as I am aware of it. So if someone were to explain to me what is the norm rather than cast curt remarks or glances, that would be very helpful.



010Telecom Wifiで家族や友だちと連絡を取り続けることができ、また外出先でも情報を調べることができました!

Telecom Wifi that allowed me to keep in contact with family and friends and search for info on the go!

011JR EAST PASSを使えば、手頃な値段で日本を旅行することができます。

JR EAST PASS helped to keep travelling around Japan affordable.

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