100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


北海道の街はとても閑静で楽しむことができます。 Cities in Hokkaido are quiet and enjoyable

001以前思っていたよりもとても良い印象になりました。例えば、日本はとても人が多く混み合った国だと思っていました。しかし、トマムから帯広まで約45分間JRを利用しました。JRの駅の近くにも関わらずほとんど人を見ませんでした。 街はとても素晴らしく澄み切っていて花の香りに包まれした。でも、私が思ったよりは混んでいませんでした。散歩するのには素晴らしい場所です。午後に雨が降ったけれども、空気はもっと新鮮になり雨の音はとてもリラックスできました。

It turns out that it is better than I thought before. For instance, I thought Japan is a very crowded country. However, I took the JR to the Obihiro, which is about 45 minutes from Tomamu. I found out that there are few people on streets, even if I was near the JR station. The city is nice and clear, filled with aroma of flowers, but it is not as crowded as I thought. It is enjoyable to take a walk there! Though it was raining in the afternoon, the air is much fresher and the sound of raining was relaxing.


十分なおもてなしがされました。 sufficient services have been provided


My flight was delayed for more than 4 hours. It was almost 10 pm when I arrived, and I missed my first dinner at Tomamu. However, the receptionist took me to the cafeteria and ordered cheese cake for me to make me feel better.
Also, it was raining heavily in the afternoon. I was supervised to see that the hotel prepared umbrellas for the visitors, which we all could take at anytime we want.
I really appreciate the attitude of everyone who is working in the Tomamu Resorts. It was amazing!


畳ベッドと 水の教会 Tatami Bed and the Water Chapel

さらに、初めて私が 水の教会を訪れた時、そこに傘を忘れてしまいました。それを取りに戻ろうとしたとき、リラックスできる自然の音と照明のデザインに本当に心打たれました。日本と西洋文化の完璧な組み合わせでした!

004In my room, I found out my bed is on the ground. It is Japanese tatami! It was out of my expectation, and it was comfortable to sleep on it. Considering Tomamu Resort might not be a traditional Japanese hotel, I thought the bed here was of the western style.
Also, when I first visited the water chapel, I forgot my umbrella there. When I went back to pick it, I was totally shocked by the relaxing sound of nature and the design of light. It is a perfect combination of Japanese and Western culture!


観光ツアーバスの運転手 Driver on the sightseeing tour bus


I took a sightseeing tour to Furano and Asahikawa on June 4, 2015, and the driver of that bus is a nice person, and he is very professional. He looks relatively young (late 40s or early 50s), but he said he was much older than that. During the tour, he introduced all the attractions nearby. Even if I was the only guest from Tomamu, he came to pick me up and drove me to the Garden of Wind. Although it is kind of difficult to communicate because I am a foreigner, I could still feel that he has enthusiasm in his job and he tried to treat every visitor as good as possible.



I do not really dislike something about Japan. However, there is one thing made me confused during this trip. According to my experience, Japanese people usually like to say “I am sorry”. Sometimes I do not even what they are apologizing for. It was pretty interesting, though. For example, even when the waitress came to me to collect my chopsticks, she also said that she was sorry while I do not get the point at all.
I think Japanese people might be sorry for disturbing others, but it is usually not their fault. Instead of keeping apologizing, finding out a way to deal with existing problems may be more useful.



This is a photo I took on the JR train from Tomamu to Obihoro. It was a little bit cloudy outside, but it is still beautiful!

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