100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


日本人は非常に礼儀正しい人々です。 Japanese people are so polite.


After arriving Japan,everything is new and interesting.The most surprising thing is that all the Japanese people I met are enthusiastic and hospitable.Although I have heard of that Japanese people are very polite,their politeness is beyond my imagination.Everytime I enter the hotel or restaurant,waiters are always smiling.Of course,I can hear their sincere greetings.That really made me feel at home.What’s more,Japanese railway is more convenient than I thought before.In Chinese rural area,there aren’t such convenient railway net.All in all,my image of Japan is better than my imagination since travelling in Japan.



星野リゾートの心のこもったサービス。 Hoshino Resorts' cordial service.


The most memorable thing of this trip is that Hoshino Resorts is so kind.When I flew to HK,the flight was delayed.Due to this incident,I can’t catch the flight to Haneda Airport.So I can’t catch the flight to New Chitose Airport and the bus to Tomamu.And I chose to buy a flight fly to Hokkaido by myself.To my surprise,after landing the New Chitose Airport,I found there was a person waiting for my arrival and he has bought the JR tickets to Tomamu for me. I was touched by this thing.


日本のホテル・サービスは非常に優れています。 Japanese hotel service is so good.


The second day of arriving Tomamu,I went to Ashiyama zoo and Furano for visit.After 1 day tour,I came back to my room and I found that the glass with water was covered with a little plastic bag.How thoughtful the service is! I’ve heard of good reputation of Japanese service industry,but it’s really better than I thought before.Maybe that’s why Japanese service industry enjoy such good reputation.


ミナミナビーチの素敵なスタッフ Lovely staff in minamina beach.


I met a friendly staff of minamina beach.Because I have a Tomamu activity pass card,so I went to experience making ice cream.The staff is a lovely girl with short hair,about 24years old,I guess.She kept smiling while I shaked the bottle to make ice cream.Her English is not very well.Despite of this,she tried her best to express what she wants to tell.She not only introduced Hokkaido’s milk industry but also gave some suggestion for my trip in Japan.It really made me feel warm,just like met a good friend.And after a while, when I passed the pool,she invited me to play a big wheel-shaped toy with her.She’s so kind that made me impressed.



In fact,if I must say something disliked about this trip.I would say the trip is too short to enjoy the scenery and delicious food of Hokkaido.Three days goes too fast.To tell the truth,there isn’t anything that I was unsatisfied about this trip.Hokkaido is a peaceful and beautiful place with fantastic natural scenery.If I have chance in future,I will definitely choose Hokkaido as one of my travel destinations.Tomamu is really an excellent place that suits for family travel or honeymoon.I wish I can come here with my families next time as soon as possible.



Japanese railway is convenient.It takes only 2 hours from New Chitose Airport to Tomamu.

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