100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


日本の神秘的な森を発見 Discovering the secret forest of Japan


My image of Japan has not changed as much as it has grown deeper. It is like when you get to know a new friend, your image of that friend is unlikely to change as you get to know the person, but it does grow deeper and nuanced with each encounter. During this trip to Aomori, I got the opportunity to explore the side of Japan that is not normally associated with ‘Japan’ when outsiders think of Japan. Most tourists go Japan to visit its lively modern metropolis (Tokyo), rich cultural tradition (Kyoto) or historic temples (Nara), and many people would not have heard of the scenic landscape of Aomori. Exploring the picturesque forest, lake and stream of this region feels like discovering a beautiful secret side of Japan that many people don’t know about.


奥入瀬渓流の美しさを強調します。 Enchanting Beauty of Oirase Keiryu


Oirase Keiryu is the most beautiful stream I have seen. I did not know that such picturesque and postcard-perfect river really exist outside of, well, postcards! This stream has a strong current and as its clear water cascade down the green valley, it leaves a trail of ever-changing water impressions that is a pure poetry in motion.


Pictured here is my favorite view that is located a little upstream from Asura-no-Nagare. Here, the water can be seen furiously leaping into a short waterfall, and as it does so, it creates plumes of mist that smells of moss and wet earth.


こだまの体験 The Echoing Cliff




On the morning when I went canoeing at Lake Towada, my guide Yasu-san stopped us near a cliff and encouraged me to shout out at the sheer rocks to hear echoes. At first I was skeptical, as the rocky cliffs is still a long way away in the distance, but I tried anyway, and in the loudest voice I can muster, I shouted: ”KONNICHIWA!!!” To my amazement, my voice was magically amplified, I can hear its echoes vibrates over the lakeside forest, over the cliffside and vanishing into the distance. It was a surreal and unforgettable experience.


奥入瀬渓流のネイチャー案内人たち。 Nature Guides at Oirase Keiryu


I was very fortunate during the trip to meet Niwa-san who took the trouble to find an english speaking guide to take me a morning canoe trip at Lake Towada, which is how I met Yasu-san from Nature Experience Greenhouse Company. Yasu-san is an enthusiastic guide, and he is passionate about sharing his detailed knowledge about the flora and fauna of the lake. During our excursion, he showed me how to better appreciate the Aomori forest by identifying the different kinds of trees growing in the area, including Buna (Beech), Mizunara (Japanese Oaks), Kaede (Maples), Katsuri and Tochinori (Chesnuts). He also shared his special affection for mosses, and taught me how the small and humble moss is the ‘cradle of the forest’ that establish and supports the larger forest ecosystem. Learning from Yasu-san has gave me a fresh insight and deeper appreciation for the natural landscapes of Aomori.



I felt that three days was too short, and the weather was mostly cloudy and rainy during my stay. I wish I can stay longer to enjoy Aomori in good weather, perhaps until the apple season comes! Since I like Aomori apples very much, I also feel a tinge of disappointment that I cannot find fresh Ohrin apples during this trip (though of course, this is nobody’s fault as apples only fruit in October and November!) Other than that, I have enjoyed a a wonderful stay and I hope I can come and visit Aomori again in the Apple season. Pictured here is the tempting preview of this coming autumn’s bounty of delicious apples taken on the best weather during the trip, which unfortunately, happens to be the last morning right before check out!


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