100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


日本のイメージは良くなった Enhanced Image of Japan


I would not say the image has changed since I always have the impression about the friendliness and kindness of Japanese people, the beautiful scenery as well as the amazing cuisine. My image of Japan has only enhanced after this trip. I was constantly touched by the extent of help offered by the strangers I met on the streets; amazed by the accuracy of the transportation system and the level of precision and perfection in the way Japanese people conduct daily routines. This is way beyond my expectation and I could only say Japan has surprised me in every possible way.



My understanding of Japan was mainly from television and anime, from which I learnt that Japan has a very distinctive culture and history on its own. I’ve also heard about its high level of technological development from the trademarks of world-known brands like Honda, Toshiba, Toyota and Sony, to name a few. I’ve been very much in love with the Japanese pop music because of its distinguishing style and creativity, differentiating itself from all over the world. Japan has the most precise way of conducting activities and the friendliness of its people is known to all.


北海道の広大な自然 Vast Greenery of Hokkaido


I love nature. I chose Hokkaido as the destination because of its reputation of being the nicest natural place in Japan. It did not let me down. It was truly a wonder of the earth – its vast greenery, endless flower fields and the wavy curves of snow mountains in the backdrop under the blue sky and white clouds, making it one of my favorites among all the places I’ve been. It’s so natural and green that by mere staring at the view on the train makes me feel energized and alive.


笑顔 The Smile


I don’t know actually how many smiles I encountered but it is definitely the first thing whenever I think of this trip. The friendliness displayed by Japanese is beyond my imagination. On the flight to Sapporo, a flight stewardant happened to be in the aisle and blocked my path. She gave me a sad look with apologies as if she hurt me in an unforgivable manner. After she let me pass through, she gave out a radiant smile that made my day. I was very surprised by how much they sympathize with the person they met.


きっと大丈夫 Be My Guest


We were on the way to find a famous flower filed in Takikawa, however the weather got bad and started dribbling. Not only did we not have the umbrellas, we also got lost in the middle of a small town. We tried to communicate with some local workers in the filed. Although they had no knowledge of English, we managed to communicate using body languages. In the end, we were lucky enough to talk to a 17-year-old girl who happened to be an exchange student in Malaysia who spoke decent English. She pointed out that the flower show was off-season and suggested us to go back without wasting time and effort. I am grateful until now about how the local people put you into their shoes and sympathize with your situation. If they don’t have the answer, they will find an answer in any possible way they can.


010非常に複雑な鉄道システムは、日本人の生活のためにはなっているのかもしれませんが、外国人にとっては違います。電車は、種類ごとに停車駅が違い (各停、急行、特急)、色分けされていますが、ホームでは英語のアナウンスが無いのです。停車駅に違いがあることに初めて気付いたのは、羽田行きの急行列車に乗った時でした (本当は快特に乗るべきでした)。その時は、飛行機に乗り遅れてしまうのではと、心配になりました。空港職員の方がとても親切で、チェックインの時に助けてくれ、搭乗時間が近づいているフライトのための優先レーンに並ぶことができたので、なんとか乗り遅れずに済みました。これは、もし電車に何かしらの英語表記があれば、避けられたことだと思います。

The very complicated train system makes the life of local Japanese easy but not the foreigners. The trains have different speed rating (local, express, limited express) marked by color but not announced on the platform in English. I only realized that when I got on the 急行 train to Haneda (when I should have got on a 快特) and was worried that I might miss the flight. Thanks that the people in the airport were very helpful who helped me with check in and it has a priority queue for flights that are boarding soon so that I managed to board. This could have been avoided if there was some English signs on the train.



Excited getting ready on the JAL flight from Tokyo to Hokkaido


The fastest and cleanest train I’ve ever taken

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