100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


空席の地下鉄 Empty subway


The subway in Tokyo is famous, every day when people going to work, the subway station is busy , every trans are full out of people, and there is a job created by this state, they must push people into the trans, help them to go to the works on time, I thanks that there’s really a important work in Tokyo, and that’s only in Tokyo too. But when I arrived to Tokyo, and try to take the subway to the hotel where i’m live. But it’s almost empty in the station, allow it’s not the rush hours. I doesn’t I’m inthe Tokyo subway in that time



There are many beautifully views and delicious food in Japan, all season. Cherry blossoms in Spring, snowon the wintear. Sashimi, sushi, ramen. And there are many festivals all over the year. It’s a good place for trip. you always found out some where that there is some where good place to go, it’s Convenience and safety.


きれいな街 Cleanly street


When you walk through the streets, you will fount out that the streets is really “clean”. There is no car part casually aside the streets, every one drive safely, and politely, so it look vary “comfortable”. And most import one is, always walk we first. In every intersection, the car will stop and let you known that, “you go first”. When you go from a scene by your fetes, you will feel that that’s really friendly, and the sidewalk is nice too. No one taken it to do others things.


Walking in Japan is an enjoyable things.


気配りの細かいガイド Heedful clerk


I meet a clerk in Otaru. I want to by a bookmark, and the clerk is a girl. All the processes are generally, but when I want to pay it by banknote, she found out that that’s too many conin in mywallets. she tell me that I should use those coin, and try to help me to pay it by the minimum denomination of coins, so that my wallets is mort light after that. And when I ask she about the Japanese characters, she doesn’t known how to tell me what does it mean, but she still try may other ways, includes gesture, Japan kanji. Allow at the last I still can not understand about it ..



The subway in Tokyo is a big trouble. when you take the trans to somewhere you want to go, if you’re lucky, you can go there directly. And in popular state, you must Chang trans at some station. Manby in the same station. But in Tokyo, sometime you must go out to the station, and find another station where is near you to get your next trans. That is a but trouble. When you leave the trans, it is Hart to found out the rout markers to known where should you go.so you must spend a lot of times about it. It’s really a hard work if you have no enough time.



On JAL, I saw the cloud below me. I thank I will see then in HOshino “UNKAI”.

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