100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


思った通り良かったです Good as I thought


 Not really. Just like what I expected, Japan has the best hospitality. I was greeted with smiles everywhere, from Hoshino staffs and all the kind people that I approached to ask for directions and help. People in Japan takes the extra mile to help me, finding all sorts of method to solve my problems.


冷たい雨の中の親切 Kind gestures in the cold and rainy weather

002私は滝川に戻ってくる予定はないと伝えたのですが、滝川バスターミナルのスタッフがかさを貸してくれました。私は単なる旅行者であり、「それを札幌駅になら返却することができます」という、私の言葉を彼女は信じてくれました。もし返却しなかったらどうなるのでしょう? でも、私はきちんと札幌のバス会社のオフィスにそれを返却しました! それから、私はTシャツだけで、ジャケットを持っていませんでした。北海道で知り合った新しい友人が彼女のジャケットを貸してくれたので、冷たい雨の降る天候の中でも凍えたり、風邪をひくことはありませんでした。

A staff from Takikawa bus station borrow me an umbrella even when I told her i am not going back to Takikawa station. I am just a tourist and she trusted me when i say i can returned it to Sapporo station. What if I don’t? But I brought it back safely to the Sapporo office! *promise* Also, I wore shorts and have no jacket at all, a new friend that I know in Hokkaido was so kind to borrow me hers so I didn’t freeze or get sick in the cold and rainy weather.


雲海テラスに登って Going up Unkai Terrace

003 005雲海テラスへの訪問。雲海を見ることはできませんでしたが、ゴンドラに乗って上に登り、遠くにある緑の草木や山々の全景を眺めることができ嬉しかったです。私は夏用の服を着て、北海道にはジャケットを持っていかなかったので、その体験は特別なものでした。幸運にも星野リゾートがジャケットを用意してくれていました。それから私は日本語が読めないので、スタッフがわたしのおみくじの翻訳を手伝ってくれて、英語で私に説明をしてくれました。

The visit to Unkai Terrace. Although I didn’t managed to see the Unkai, I’m glad to be able to take the gondola up and have a full view of the greeneries and mountains from far. The experience is so special to me because I was dressed in summer clothing and I didn’t bring any jacket to Hokkaido. Luckily there are jackets prepared by Hoshino. Also the staffs helped to translate my omikuji and explain to me in English because I cannot read Japanese.


つたない英語と日本語のやり取り Interacting with limited English and Japanese


On the first day, Rio introduced all the facilities in the resort and welcomed me with a drink at Yukku Yukku. He helped me alot in planning my itinerary for the next two days. I was initially planning to go to Furano and Takinoue Park but then suggested that I shouldn’t go to Furano since it is not the lavender season yet. I was also hoping to visit Takinoue Park for the Pink Moss Festival, to see chibazakura. It is quite impossible because the journey takes about 8 -10 hours by train and bus. If he didn’t help to look at my itinerary, I would have either ended up at a wrong place with no chibasakura or gone on a 8 hours ride and not able to be back to my hotel. He also help to translate my omikuji!



When I bought my JR ticket from Sapporo to Tomamu, I didn’t understand why I was given two tickets instead of one. It makes me wonder if I need to transfer to other trains in order to reach my destination. I have also realized that in New Chitose airport, there seems to be no water dispenser, unlike in Haneda airport where it can be easily found. Buying bus ticket from the machine was also tough because I didn’t know how much it will cost. Another thing that I dislike is that many restaurants or cafe actually allow indoor smoking. I couldn’t stand the smell of cigarettes so I didn’t feel comfortable when people around me smoke when I am eating.


Processed with VSCOcam with s1 presetJRの路線と時刻を確認するのに役立ちました。すぐにInstagramやFacebookをアップデートできるので、私が日本で楽しんでいることを多くの人が見ることができます。

Helpful in navigating and checking JR train schedules. I can instantly update Instagram and Facebook so more people can see that I’m having fun in Japan!


My first time taking JAL and a domestic flight within Japan!

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