100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


日本へ初めての1人旅 First solo adventure to Japan


My image for japan was changed totally on the day I arrived.As this was my first solo adventure I didn’t expect anything from Japan!I was very afraid as I can’t speak or understand the basic of Japanese.But no I was all wrong,Japanese people will go all out to help me even if they didn’t understand what I was saying.I thought solo traveling will be boring but Japan proved me wrong. Japanese people were so ready to pose for pictures when I asked for one. Everything is so systematic and fast that I can reached my destination faster than expected. I can easily get lost without worrying:)



I have heard so much about japan from my friends!From the food, safety & the people. I have always loved Japanese food was looking forward to it. I always thought japan works in a fast pace environment and I wouldn’t get a chance to interact to people. Japan is huge so I thought I would have a problem in the language. Japan has beautiful scenery which I have seen pictures from travel blogs.


優しい日本人 Friendly Japanese

002北海道の2日目、私はアキタカの花畑に行きたいと思っていました。私が駅に降りたとき、JR のスタッフがバスのインターチェンジまで一緒に来てくれて、どのチケットを買えばいいか教えてくれました。私は降りる駅を間違ってしまったのですが、空の雲行きが怪しくなってきていたので、とても心配になりました。私の見た目が外国人なので、学生の女の子が私に近づいてきて、何か困っていることはないかと聞いてくれました。彼女と目的地まで一緒に歩いて、北海道について色々な話をしました!

On my second dating hokkaido, I wanted to visit a flower farm in Akitaka. When I got off the station the JR staff followed me to the bus interchange and showed me which ticket to buy.As I got off the wrong stop I was extremely scared because the sky was getting dark.As I looked foreigner a schoolgirl approached me and ask if I needed any help,she walked with me till the end of the destination and we spoke alot about Hokkaido!


素晴らしいおもてなし Excellent hospitality


The People!! Nothing else can beat the hospitality I received from the start and to the end of my trip. One night I missed my train back to the hostel, not having much option I decided to walk. While walking back many Japanese people approached me and asked if I needed help. There were many Japanese friends I made while visiting the attractions they shared many interesting places of Japan and offered to tour me around. This will stick most to my heart as I wished I had more nights to spend and interact with everyone. Japan has the best hospitality!! I was thought how to eat raw Japanese food when I was in tokyo, everyone took the effort to help me order food as most of the menu were in Japanese.


日本人 Japanese people


On the day I was scheduled to fly to hokkaido, I left my hostel in tokyo early however I couldn’t find the right train station. A gentlement helped me with my luggage and bring me into the station.I took the train but was unsure how to get to the airport, a lady in the train heading towards the same direction accompanied me until my check in counter in Haneda!I lost my way to shibuya so a.gentlement approached me and brought me over although I couldn’t understand the language all we did was laugh.Everyone is so helpful.



This is my first time experiencing cold weather so I start sneezing very fast. It made me difficult to enjoy but will get use to it soon:)
Maybe I hope the menu in tokyo will be in English so that I wouldn’t have to disturb people to translate for me.There is nothing I can ever dislike in Japan!




Thank you JAL for bringing me back and forth safely! The staff was very helpful in translating everything for me in English.

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