100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


日本人の親切さにこれほど驚いたことは今までありませんでした。 Ever amazed with Japanese people's helpfulness.


Yes it definitely has, and for the better of course. I have read that Japan is well-known for its high service standards and the politeness here is incomparable to many countries. Reading all of those is one thing; experiencing it for myself puts my impression on a whole new level. I have had some trouble finding my way during this trip due to my incompetence in the Japanese language. Many a time, even before I approach someone for help, a local will offer his/her help to guide me. There were even times where they went out of the way to bring me to my destination. The service staff I have interacted with throughout my stay were extremely spontaneous in explaining Japan’s culture to me as well. My deepest respect and gratitude to the people here for their helpfulness!



My image of Japan has been one of a fast-paced city, where the people are very efficient in getting the necessary done. I know that the Japanese people place a deep emphasis on their roots and culture as well. This was one of the reasons why Japan intrigued me so – I want to find out what is it exactly about their culture.


ちょっとした親切な行為に大いに助けられる Small acts of kindness can go a long way.


Once, I wanted to snap a photo of the road when a car came up on the same road. Instinctively, I hurried to take a quick shot to avoid the car. To my surprise, the car stopped in the middle of the road for me to finish before moving on!


Another was when I had trouble getting to the ryokan. A kind Japanese drove me to my destination even though it was out of his way.


Not forgetting the staffs from Hoshino Resorts who welcomed me with big smiles! These small acts of kindness filled my heart with much happiness.


日光下駄 Nikkō Geta!

003それは間違いなく、界 日光のスタッフが日光下駄を紹介するためにしてくれた素晴らしいパフォーマンスでしょう。日光下駄とは、藁と木靴でできた日本の伝統的な履物です。2人の女性が非常に詳細な説明をし、私には英語で説明しようと、ベストを尽くしてくれました。日光下駄を履いたタップダンスも美しく、素晴らしかったです!

It has definitely got to be the wonderful performance put up by staffs from Kai Nikkō to introduce the Nikkō Geta. The Nikkō Geta is a combination of two of Japan’s traditional footwear – the straw sandals and wooden clogs. The two ladies gave a very detailed explanation and even did their best to explain to me in English. Their tap dance performed on the Nikkō Geta was beautiful as well, subarashii!


現地の日本人とのホームステイ Homestay with a local Japanese.


I came to Japan a few days earlier and resided in Tokyo, Minato-ku. My accommodation was found through Airbnb, a programme where locals around the world rent their houses for a small fee. My host, Akira-san, was a lovely young man. He is currently doing advertising in the housing estate field. Akira-san tries his best to communicate with me in English even though that wasn’t his mother language, for which I’m extremely grateful! On my last day with him, Akira-san even gave me some small gifts to bring back home for my family. How lucky I have been to meet such a kind man!



One thing would be the lack of rubbish bins. There are many recycling bins and bins for drinks’ containers around but not so much for waste. Some days I walk around the town with a plastic bag tied to my bag so that I can have a portable ‘rubbish bin’. However, I’m amazed that despite the lack of bins, the cleanliness in Japan is still top-rated!


As I was looking forward to the heritage trail in Nikkō, I was slightly disappointed to find that several famous heritage sites were unfortunately under construction. But a local told me that I’m lucky as well because it’s not everyday that I get to see how the construction work in the temples look like.


007最終日にWhatsAppを使って家族や友人に連絡している様子。どこに行ってもよくつながるテレコムスクエアのTelecom Wifiには、本当に感謝!

Updating my family and friends over WhatsApp at the end of the day. So thankful for the Telecom Wifi from Telecom Square which works wherever I go!

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