100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


素晴らしい景色 Amazing landscapes


Not really, well…maybe a little bit LOL. The image of people and buildings(including the castles) here are as wonderful as I used to know, but the landscape really goes beyond my imagination!!! Among them, the Tateyama is…I would say, the most amazing mountain I’ve ever seen!!! I was so astonished and couldn’t even say a word when I’M facing it! The best part is not the great snow wall but the incredible hiking route, snow, mountain, lake and blue sky, the best combination ever! Ever,ever,ever!!!
I’ve no idea that landscape here could be such a beautiful picture!!!


美味しいお蕎麦 The tasty soba


Oh! Soba is very famous here in Nagano area, but actually it tastes nearly all the same. But the one I tried in Nagano city really surprised me much!!! Unlike the usual soba was favored with soybean and radish, it was blent with mashed walnut!!! It’s very innovative and tasty!!! Yum yum!!!


松本城のガイド The Matsumoto castle guide


There are volunteers at the Matsumoto castle who speak great English and willing to help!!! The nice lady who guided me patiently explained the whole background and stuffs of the castle. And that really helps!!! In the past I used to guess what it said on the board, but this time is totally different!!! Learnt a lot today!!!


界 松本のフレンドリーなウェイトレスさん Friendly waitress in kai Matsumoto

005界 アルプスには(しんさんのような)親切なウェイトレスさんが他にもいましたが、名前は聞きませんでした… 界 松本に泊まった時に夕食を出してくれたのはゆうこさん(綴りを間違ってたらごめんなさい…)という名前で、気さくで常に笑みを絶やさない女性でした!それに英語が上手で、ずっと英語で話そうとしてくれました!彼女とはくつろいだ面白い話ができました。彼女には常に新しいアイデアや質問が浮かんでくるのです!それに料理のことをとても上手に明確に説明してくれたので、間違った食べ方をせずにすみました!お話できて良かった、ゆうこさん!ありがとう!

Actually there were also nice waitress(like Shin San) at Kai Alps but I didn’t ask their names…Well, Yuko San(forgive me if I spelled it wrong…) served the dinner for me at my stay in Kai Matsumoto and she’s easygoing and always with smiles!!! And she also speaks English well and willing to speak English!!! Chatting with her is comfortable and interesting, she’ll always come up with new ideas and questions to ask!!! And she explained the food so well and clear, keeping me from doing the wrong things LOL!
Nice talking with you!!! Thanks!!!



Little things that bothers me a little. First of all, the Shinkansen has nowhere to place my luggage and I could only put it in front of my knees, which seemed a little bit crowded here. Secondly, the snow in the hiking trails of the Tateyama was slightly difficult to walk through, my feet would inevitably sink in and get wet! I should have brought shoes that are waterproof. Lastly is the star seeing tour was a little bit boring…since there are just me and a Japanese couple attended the tour, the guide spoke merely Japanese really had driven me crazy!!! I just stood there and watching the sky by myself for 20 minutes with no idea what they were talking about…that didn’t feel good at all!!!

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