100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


似て異なる独特なもの Similar yet unique


I have been to several parts of Japan, but this is my first time to Okinawa. I have heard about the simplicity of life on the islands, as well as the Okinawa people’s warm hospitality, and this trip further reinforced this image of mine. All the people I’ve met on the trip have extended their genuine welcome and sincere help to me, and it’s the interaction with the locals that made this trip so much more enjoyable.


Whilst Okinawa is part of Japan, it has retained its own unique culture and heritage. There were times when I felt I was in another tropical country other than Japan! However, the efficiency, meticulousness, politeness and pride in one’s work so often associated with Japanese people can also be observed all the time in Okinawa as well.



Speak of Japan and the images that come to mind include a busy train station bustling with suit-cladded salarymen, shrines and their torii, pine and cedar trees, open-air onsen as well as impeccable lacquerware.


Speak of Japanese people and the words that come to mind include courteous, determined, focused, socially-abiding and perhaps sometimes bureaucratic.


星の海の下で横たわったことから、ピナイサーラの滝の頂上へのトレッキングまで From lying under a sea of stars to trekking to the top of the Pinaisara Falls


There were so many memorable moments from this trip, but some of the key highlights include a star-gazing tour at Kohamajima, where we were blessed with clear skies with no moon nor clouds. With the explanation of the guide, we were able to spot the Big Dipper, Polaris and several planets! This was a breathtaking experience as it is almost impossible to enjoy such a sea of bright stars in the light-polluted Singapore.


From Taketomijima, I also took a day trip to Iriomotejima where we kayaked through mangroves and trekked to the top of the Pinaisara Falls!


心と体のリフレッシュ Refreshing the mind and body


Apart from the physical activities, I was able to enjoy a lot of rest on this trip, which will hopefully serve as a source of rejuvenation and motivation when I return to work! I will miss all the time spent doing nothing nothing at all on the lovely in-room couches, and reading in the hotel lounges after dinner.


美しい出会いの旅 A trip of beautiful encounters


I’ve met so many wonderful people on this trip, it would be difficult to just keep to one! Firstly, my coordinator at Kohamajima, Sachi, was a very sweet lady and we got along well especially cos we are of the same age! Special thanks also go to Kanamin for sharing her astrological knowledge to make the star gazing tour more enriching, as well as the staff at Deep Blue for meticulously introducing the ingredients of each dish.


On to Hoshinoya Takenojima, Aki inspired me with how her passion for the oceans has taken her to all around the world and now Okinawa. The staff at the dining lounge and reception have also been extremely welcoming and helpful. My friendly kayak and hiking guide Kai at Iriomotejima was also great help in ensuring I survived the activities despite my lousy physique!



There was nothing major to complain of, as the trip and logistics were well planned and organised. If I must point out an area that was less ideal, it probably would be the frequency of ferry rides. The limited direct services between Kohamajima and Taketomi on the sponsoring company made it a bit inconvenient to switch hotels on the second day, but I managed to buy more time at Taketomi by riding an earlier ferry operated by another provider. That said, the ferries by Yaeyama Kanko were clean and perfectly punctual, and I really enjoyed the experience of hopping between Kohamajima, Taketomi and Iriomote over the past 4 days!


And I guess it would have been nicer if the weather was less hot!


013ピーチの機内 – 雨の大阪を発ち晴れ晴れとして明るい沖縄へ!

Onboard Peach – leaving rainy Osaka to bright and sunny Okinawa!

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