100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


日本にはとても素晴らしい自然の美しさがあります。 Japan has very nice natural beauty.


Before I traveled, people in the place Taiwan which the county I from, talking about impressions of Japan are all about maybe J-Pop, maybe Japanese food(ramen, bian-dang,etc.),maybe high technology design stuff, very seldom about green natural. This time, thanks about this project I am really have a chance to see how beautiful Japan forest and river is. Especially is Oirase-Keiryu, in the lobby coffee shop has a huge window with forest front, very impressive. Moreover the river is just by side of hotel, could take few minutes by hotel shuttle bus to see waterfalls, it is really nice.



I imaged people in Japan are smile,friendly and easy to get along with in people personalities. Working hard in jobs, delicate and details at works. Good at living design, like MUJI, Uniqlo. etc. Security safe and very convince in subway systems. Hot spring of course. And girls in here are all good at make-up and dressing.


弘前は昔ながら歴史のある街で、そして美しい町です。 Hirosaki is a classic city, beauty and history.


First day of my trip went to Hirosaki Park to see Honmaru. Even in the wrong season (April and May are the right one with lots Sakura). Standing in front of this building build in 1611, you could tell how delicate it is even pass centries, it is still amazing. Oh, the vendor dressing traditional cloth in outside of Park selling nice Apple failover ice cream. Worth to try.


日本での運転 Driving in Japan


Driving a car in Japan is so fresh for me. Not like Taiwan I from driving in the left side, Japan is totally opposite with, the windshield wiper and turn signal are all opposite also. Oh, and the toll gate, my very first time driving in Japan high way, little difference.


バスの中で出会った女性 A lady I met in Bus







The second day of my trip I went to Aomori Museum of Art. I met a lady in the bus which she is going to museum also. Even I can not speak Japanese at all and she can not speak English a lot, we were still using body language and writing made us understand what we are saying. During the bus shuttled, she is knowing me from Taiwan and having a little trip in Japan, she shows me what is a mountain called Hakkoda-San,and even made me a paper crane, for thank her kindly and warming, I gave her Taiwan Sun-Moon Lake’s post card. What a wonderful experience of communication.



In days I stay in hotels, I noticed the night buffet normally does not offer soft drinks to drink, normally there are only hot tea or coffee machines. I discovered it maybe because people in Japan love to have a draft beer or a glass of wine during the dinner time for relaxing. If my discover is not wrong, it is not ok for me, especially I am a person which is can not easy to fall sleep if I get a cup of tea or coffee during the dinner time. Moreover,I do not like drink something with alcohol.


12今回のプロジェクトから提供してもらえたJR EAST PASSのパスのおかげで、日本での私の旅行が格段に簡単になり、時間もお金も節約することができました。

Thanks this project offer JR EAST PASS made me travel in Japan is so much easier and saving both time and money.

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