100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


静かな日本 The slient of Japan


Japan to me is a modern and stylish country but I discovered another side of it after this trip. This is my first time to visit the countryside in Japan. Aomori is a lovely place that surrounding by nature. Trees and plants are everywhere. The beautiful view make me feel relax and comfortable.


I found Japan is not only attractive with the popular sightseeing spots. The wonderful scenery and fresh air are  simply fascinating, it helps release the stress from the busy works, enjoying the gift from nature. This trip showed me the diversity of Japan and I enjoyed all the sides of it.



Japan seems to be a well regulated country. The citizens are polite and follow the rule strictly. The service from Japanese company are mainly nice and meticulous.


Also, the Japanese culture is diversally developed. Not only the traditional culture is maintained, many subcultures are become popular in the world since the development of Japan, such as comics or lolita fashion. I think Japan is an interesting place before this trip.


お誕生日おめでとう Happy Birthday


One of the day in this trip was my birthday and the hotel staff knew that in some reasons. When I was having dinner at the hotel’s restaurant, a staff suddently bring me a plate of dessert as my birthday gift. It was really touching to received greetings in a strange country. It would be a memorable birthday in my life.


お祭りへの情熱 Passion to festival


The hotel offered me a dinner which included a live show during the trip. The show was about the famous festival in Aomori “Nebuta Matsuri”.Hotel staffs played traditional musical instruments and danced in the show. One of the programme was inviting guests to join the show. Some volunteers wore the signature accessories and danced
with the staffs, it just like atteneding a real festival and I felt the passion of Japanese to festival from it.


行き届いたサービス Careful service


A female staff Saki was responsible for translations and guiding in Aomoriya. She is learning Chinese and introduced the facilities in hotel to me in Chinese. Because of her help, I can finished the interview from local newspaper successfully. Since my Japanese is not very good, it is really appreciate to had the translations.


Moreover, she was so nice and friendly that concerning my opinions for the room or food when everytime I met her. At the  last moment in the hotel, she gave me a origami of frog which means blessing in Aomori. She just like my friend instead of a staff that made me feel not alone in this trip.



I had found some Japanese like to put their feets across the chair in train when they take a long trip. Even females who is wearing skirts would do so. Although they have taken off the shoes already, it seems rude and untidy. I understand that siting for over an hour or above is quite tire, but this action would occupy more than one seats and affect other passengers to pass through. It is also not hoped to sit on a chair that had placed a sweaty feet before. Japan is regarded as a clean city. It would be perfect if this habit can be improved.


009Telecom Wifiはとても便利で、地方を旅行中もインターネットにしっかり接続できました。

Telecom Wifi is very convenient and received the internet well even I was travelling in countryside.

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