100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


温かくて表情豊か Warm and Expressive

SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURES私が抱いていたイメージは、実際に私が目にしたものとあまり変わりありません。日本は整然とした国なので、何かを行なう時にどうすればいいのか、すぐに分かりました。人々の日々の暮らしを見て、日本人は時間を非常に大切にしていることが分かりました。日本で私が学ぶことのできたよい価値観です。それから、少しイメージがかわったのは、日本人はそれほどシャイでは無かったという点です。助けを申し出てくれることもあります。言葉の壁で意思の疎通がうまくいかない時でさえもです。それから忘れずにお伝えしたいのは、日本人は温かくて表情豊かでもあることです。特に何かを楽しんでいるときはそうです。スゴイ!

002The image I have is not that different with the reality I met here. Japan is a neat and systematic country, so that I could easily catch up how to do things. Since I saw daily routine of people here, I get to know that Japanese people treasure time very much. It is a good value I could learn here. And, they are not that shy though. Sometimes, they offer me help first, even when we could not communicate well because of language barrier. Not forget to mention, they are warm and very expressive too, especially when they get excited about something. Sugoi!






It is like a common knowledge that Japan is a leading country on technology. So I was imagining that almost everything in Japan is already automatic, which is good. I also learn that Japanese people are shy, they seldom say what they have in mind, so I have to watch my act to keep up with them.


1本の傘のようにシンプルな As Simple As An Umbrella


I was in Tobu Nikko Station when the rain was coming. I bring no umbrella, so I went to the shops accross the bus stop. There I met a kind lady in her store. She just when inside after I asked about the umbrella. “This is for you. There is a little hole here but I already put tape on it. Just keep it!” said the lady in Japanese with an umbrella in her hand. I felt so grateful at that time. Thanks for the umbrella, Madam! Eventhough we don’t know each other, but I will remember it forever!


ちびまる子ちゃんです! Chibi Maruko-chan Desu!


I think it is only in Japan where I can find children going around using yellow hat as well as yellow umbrella. So cute! I met groups of children from elementary school in Toshogu shrine area. It reminded me of an anime from my childhood, Chibi Maruko-chan, a little girl with bob hair wearing yellow hat to school. Just like these children! That time I reLized, ah so this is Japan!


サイダーをくれた女性 Saida Lady

SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURESその女性は川治湯本駅で出会った駅員さんです。日本に着いた日のことでした。退屈な10時間を経てやっと到着したのです。飛行機に乗っていたせいで少し頭痛と吐き気がしたため、電車を降りたあと私は疲れてベンチに座っていました。そのとき階段の下の中年女性が私に声をかけました。私は下へくるように言われました。私は何もお願いしていないのに、なんと彼女はシャトルバスを駅まで回すようリゾートに頼んでくれていました。さらに彼女は、缶入りの冷たい飲み物を「サイダー」と笑顔でいいながら、手渡してくれました。なんだかとても癒されました。ああ、これこそ私に必要なものだ!そのソーダは見事に吐き気を消し去ってくれて、私は生き返った気分でした。彼女に出会えたことに感謝しています。それから彼女は、翌日に帰りの電車をまつとき、お土産に日本のソースを2袋くれました!

She is an officer I met in Kawaji Yumoto Station. That was my first day in Japan after more than ten-tiring-hours trip away from my country. I had a slight headache and nauseous from the flight that after I took off the train, I sat in a bench, exhausted. And then, some middle aged lady call me from the stairs below. She asked me to follow her going down. Without being asked, she called the resort to send the shuttle bus to the station. Not only that, she also give a cold drink in can. “Saida,” she said with smile in her face. I felt so relieved. Ah, this is exactly what I need! The soda succesfully kicked away the nausea and I got refresh again. I feel thankful I could meet her. She also gave me two sheets of Japanese sauce when I left station the next day!



Japan really is a lovely country with interesting history. I like visiting those historical sites, but sadly almost everything is written in Japanese with no English translation. Well, I may look it up on the internet, but wouldn’t it be so great if I could learn the facts just in sites. The weather in Japan is also easily changed. I got caught without umbrella when it was suddenly raining, even when the day started brightly in the morning. I think I have to learn weather forecast first before having the next trip to be able to enjoy the most out of Japan.


012JR EAST PASSはとても役に立ちました。特にいろんな場所を巡る時にです。電車の切符代を節約することができました。

It is really helpful to have JREast Pass, especially especially when I have to around. I could save up money for the train ticket fare.

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