100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


私の日本滞在 My stay in Japan


Yes, my image of Japan has changed during the trip. It was definitely better than I imagined. I originally thought that Japan was a very expensive city, with nothing but crowded trains, manga, and a bustling red light district. But my image of Japan changed when I explored the suburbs of Tokyo, the quieter side of the region. From there, I could see the tranquility of everyday Japanese life, and the politeness of the people. Quiet places like Shimokitazawa, Koenji-Kita and Asakusa appealed to me more than the hustle and bustle of Shinjuku and Harajuku. I enjoyed exploring the suburbs of Japan very much.



My image of Japan before the trip was all about stereotypes – Godzilla, Anime, the Japanese sex industry, Yakuzas, and the politeness of the Japanese people. From my experience from watching Hollywood films, as well as popular shows such as Pokemon and Doraemon from childhood, fueled my before image of Japanese culture.


美瑛の青い池 Biei Blue Pond


One of the most memorable experiences I had was when I drove 167km to see the Blue Pond in Biei. The journey was very long, and I got lost a couple of times and had to ask for directions at the nearby New Furano Prince Hotel.


When I reached the Biei Blue Pond, it started drizzling. However, the sight was very beautiful, and I could see the snow-tipped caps of Mount Furano in the distance.



秩序を守る日本人 Orderly Japanese


What struck me during my Japan trip was that the people were so orderly, and always abided by the rules. When I was in Minami-Senju, I was surprised that people didn’t jaywalk, even though there were no cars on the road. They patiently waited for the green man to come on, before crossing the road. I was also blown away at the politeness of the Japanese people, from the constant bowing and usage of “sumi-masen”(excuse me) and “arigato gozaimasu”(thank you) in their everyday speech.


五十嵐さん Yigarishi-San

005006007私が出会った日本人の一人は、高円寺北にあるふくろうカフェ、Café Baronのオーナー、五十嵐さんです。

One of the Japanese people I met was Yigarishi-San, the owner of Café Baron, an owl cafe in Koenji-Sita.


Yigarishi-San was a man in his 60’s, and he looked like Mr. Miyagi from the movie Karate Kid. Yigarishi-San was very Knowledgeable, kind, and spoke excellent English. He explained to us the different breeds of owls in his Café, and how his owls are very intelligent creatures. Yigirashi-San had been keeping these owls since they were very young, and the owls were like his friends to him. The café was quiet and peaceful, and I enjoyed visiting his Café very much. Arigatou-Gozamasu Yigarishi-San!



What I disliked about Japan was the crowds. When I visited places like Shibuya, Kabukicho, Harajuku and Shinjuku, there were tons of people around, with hardly any space to move. Trains around 6pm on the Yamanote line were a nightmare, with the trains becoming as packed as sardines. Taking the train was very complicated as there were many lines to choose from, and not all of them had directions in English. I had a hard time travelling around, and I had to ask the train conductors for directions most of the time.
When I visited Harajuku and Shinjuku on Sunday, the streets were very packed, and I could hardly move. There were many tourists, and the weather was very hot. Food in Japan is also very expensive, so I had to limit my budget and eat ramen and donburi everyday.



This is me travelling the JR train. I enjoyed the ride as it was very smooth and the journey was quite fast.


This is me on the JAL. The Japan Air flight was very smooth, and the staff were very polite and friendly.

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