100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


日本の自然の美しさを垣間見る A peep into Japan's natural beauty


Before this trip, I used to visit only the big cities of Japan. The vibrant city life and prosperity excites me, especially in Japan, where the cities are compact and populated. I have never had the chance to get to know about the natural side of Japan. After a relaxing cycling trip in Biei in Hokkaido, I found the endless green fields peaceful and magical. There are flowers everywhere, even at the front garden of local people. This change my impression of visiting Japan only for city life. I should definitely further explore the natural beauty of Japan in the future!



Everything in Japan is well organized. The streets are clean and Japanese are well mannered. Their service is nice and thoughtful, yet “keigo” used in service industry is hard to hear as it differs from daily Japanese. Sometimes Japanese are too polite to express their real thoughts. Food are delicious and fresh.


コスプレ写真に最適な壮大な眺め Heroic View for taking Cosplay photos


The natural beauty of Hokkaido is definitely a perfect background for taking photos. It has always been my dream to take cosplay photos under such great background. The character I am cosplaying is Howl from “Howl’s Moving Castle”. The two towers at the back are Hoshino’s resort. One interesting thing is, in order to take this photo, I have to walk up hill for 30 mintues to about 30/F high carrying a huge bag of costume. I could never forget this memorable “hiking” experience!


雲海テラス Unkai Terrace

003これは今まで見た中で、間違いなく最も素晴らしい自然の眺めです! 神様にでもなって雲の海 (雲海) の上を歩くような感じです。山の頂上に行くには早起きしなければいけませんが、労を惜しまずに体験する価値があります。また、わざわざ早起きした人たちのために、熱いスープとコーヒーがふるまわれたことに感激しました。実用的でおもいやりのあるサービスです。

This is definitely the most amazing natural view I have ever seen! It’s almost like being a god walking on top of the sea of cloud (unkai). Although everyone has to get up real early to the top of the mountain, this experience is worth all the trouble. Another thing I am impressed is that there are hot soup and coffee for people who have trouble getting up early. This service is thoughtful and useful.


美瑛町の親切なおじさんとトマムのスタッフ Nice ojisan in Biei and nice Tomamu staff


When I rent a bicycle in Biei, the shop keeper is an ojisan who treats his guest nice and kind. He can suggest where to go within your required time frame, and study the best route to go in an interesting way. Although I didn’t take a photo of him, I attached herewith the map he used to show me the way. The red and blue indications are drawn by him and I believe every guests get their own maps for their journeys. This really saved my day!


Besides from the ojisan, most of the local Japanese I met are staff working in Tomamu. They are very helpful and will try their best to give their best smile and service.



I like every moment of the trip, however I got scared a bit when I was using the JR as transfer. It only got 3 minutes for me to transfer from the station. As a tourist who has never visited the place before, 3 minutes were way too short to figure out where I was going, not to mention I didn’t get to go to the washroom after long travelling time. The JR lines were too scarce, if I got into the wrong train, I might not be able to get back because only god knows when will the next train come. There was no escalator nor elevator to travel to the other side of station, which makes it an mission impossible to transfer within 3 minutes if I travel with my luggage.



Early morning flight! Seat of JAL is big and comfortable!

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