100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


美しさはどこでも見つかる Beauty can be found everywhere


My trip to Japan proved some of my preconceptions to be true as well as incorrect. While I thought Japanese people would be timid and keep to themselves, I have found the complete opposite. Japanese people have been very eager to approach me, whether they’re advanced in English or just at a beginning stage. However just as I expected, they are incredibly polite people and can still be reserved in their actions.


I also had an idea that I would be eating sushi and sashimi 24/7 and had no idea how much variation there would be in the different types of Japanese cuisine! My horizons have broadened to finding delights in tempura, okonomiyaki, gyoza, sobu and ramen noodle dishes and so many Japanese sweets!


Whether I was in busy Tokyo or quiet Nikko, there was beauty to be found everywhere in the breathtaking landscapes and peaceful gardens.



I expected there to be a contrast between old and new, with high-rise buildings sitting alongside structures that are hundreds of years old. I expected the people to be spiritual and appreciative of peace, which has proved to be true by visiting Buddhist temples and seeing the amount of respect people pay to these landmarks. My image of Tokyo was that it would have almost futuristic technology and an eclectic range of people from businessmen in suits to Harajuku Girls. My image of Nikko was that it would be a lot quieter and more traditionally Japanese.


旅路を見守る地蔵 Protectors of travellers


I took a day trip to the coastal town of Kamakura that I will never forget. I have never seen anything quite like the opulence of these Buddhist temples, each unique with different statues of worship, distinctive purposes and varying historical backgrounds. It was a long day but it was so worth it to get a glimpse into the spiritual lives of Japanese people more than 700 years ago. I particularly enjoyed Hase-Dera Temple where there were hundreds of small Jizo statues lined up, and found it very appropriate that these statues stand as the protectors of travellers, women and children.


伝統的な祭り The festivities of tradition


The Tsukiji Lion Dance Festival only happens once every three years so I was so amazed I was there in time to see it. Not only were the decadent shrines covered in flowers, gold and other decorations, they were portable and formed part of a parade with the sound of instruments creating a lively atmosphere. There were food stalls, games and so many festivities alongside respectful ceremonies and traditional rituals taking place. Although all of the proceedings were spoken in Japanese, being in the crowd made me feel like I played a part in this age old tradition.


日本食と酒の親切なガイド A friendly guide to Japanese food & saké


I met Shuri in Okachimachi and found him to be a wonderful guide of the izakayas in that area that are frequented by local Japanese peopke. Shuri was confident talking to me yet wanted to practice his English and in return, he helped refine my Japanese. He took me to a saké store where he introduced me to the locals as well as different types of traditional Japanese alcohol. We also visited a more crowded and lively izakaya where we sampled different foods and beers.


Shuri was a good example of what I found most Japanese people to be – very friendly and accomodating, which was so helpful seeing as this was my first trip to Japan. He gave me an insight into a world I may not have otherwise discovered and helped me to order from a Japanese menu and communicate with other Japanese people.




For a country with such a vast population, it’s no surprise that there was always lots of crowds, especially on public transport and while sight-seeing. The main sites always attracted lots of people which took away from the calm atmosphere I may have otherwise experienced having been alone, but this experience has taught me to visit sights earlier or later rather than in peak time.


Although I mostly found the language barrier not to difficult, it was harder once I entered the more rural areas of Japan. Catching the train was a difficult experience in these areas where there was no English signs and I wasn’t certain as to exactly where I was going. Friendly conductors and train staff were always willing to help out, but again in more rural areas of Japan it was harder to communicate.


009JR EAST PASSで電車旅がかなり簡単になりました!

JR EAST PASS made train travel so much easier!

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