100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


日本はかつてより国際的になったと思います。 Japan has become more global!


I first visited Japan when I was a child, and I remembered that it was very hard to travel and communicate if you didn’t speak Japanese. Of course, locals would go out of their way to help to the best of their ability but there was lingering frustration at times.


In recent years, I’ve noticed that Japan has becoming increasingly global! My stay in Tomamu started off with a bright “Hello! How are you!” from the front desk staff, and I saw many Japanese and foreign staff in the resort. It’s very encouraging to see both Japanese and non-Japanese staff do their best to engage with the hotel guests. For example, the staff in HAL (a buffet restaurant) would announce freshly baked Cheese Pizza in both Japanese and Mandarin! Thumbs up for their effort.


車でめぐる旅 Road Trip!

Processed with VSCOcam with c2 preset004かつてレンタカーを借りて、日本をドライブして回ったことがありましたが、今回初めて、一人で広大な北海道の車での旅に出ました。これほど長距離を運転したことはなく、高速道路を走り、くねくね道を進み、さらに霧のかかった山の小道を抜けていきました。「道の駅」で休憩して、現地特産品のお土産店の訪問を本当に楽しみました。

Although I have rented a car and driven around in Japan once before, this was the first time I embarked on a solo road trip across the vast expanse of Hokkaido! I’ve never driven for such long distances and across expressways, winding roads and even misty mountain pathways! I really enjoyed stopping by the “Michi no Eki” and visiting the souvenir shops with local specialities.


雲海テラス The UNKAI Terrace


Sadly, the lucky streak of 7 consecutive days of Unkai was broken before I arrived! I was looking forward to experiencing this “sea of clouds” at the Cloud Terrace, but it was not to be. The first day saw the mountain immersed in thick clouds, and I only managed to catch a small glimpse of what the unkai would be like from far away. There were “tiny unkai” further off, but the winds didn’t manage to blow them towards Tomamu. What a pity!

I’ll just have to return in the future, Hoshino Tomamu!


エースはエース Ace is ace!

008トマムに到着した時、エイスケさん (エース) が迎えてくれました。私に施設の案内や使い方の説明をしてくれている間、彼はとても温かく、親しみやすく接してくれました。彼は一生懸命に私と関わりを持ち、私のバックグランドや国のことについて知ろうとしてくれました。それは彼が単に仕事をこなしているようではなく心からのものに思え、印象に残りました。彼の英語も、エース級に素晴らしかったです。

Eisuke-san (Ace) welcomed me when I arrived in Tomamu. He was extremely warm and friendly when showing me around and explaining how things worked. He made an effort to engage with me and find out more about my background and country — it didn’t feel like he was just doing his job and that was impressive. His English was impressive as well!


I also met a wonderful obasan in a Furano cafe. She invited me over to sit with her when she noticed that I was by myself, and even treated me to her favourite fruit jelly! Thank you so much!



To be very honest, everything is too far away in Hokkaido! It’s extremely difficult to get around without a car. I managed to visit many places because I could drive, but other participants found themselves limited to activities within the resort. While there are tour buses that do take guests to the surrounding areas of Furano and Asahikawa, the information isn’t readily available so people who don’t aren’t on tours will miss out.


Also, the distance between places in Hokkaido makes it very tiring. There were very few Service Areas or Parking Areas along the Doto Expressway, and it would have been nice to have more.



The reception and battery life was amazing! Thanks Telecom Square!

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