100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


日本の美しいもの Beautiful things in Japan

SAMSUNG CSC日本に来る前は、なぜとても多くの人々が日本を好きなのかわかりませんでした。でも、日本に来てよくわかりました。私もこの国を好きになり始めたからです。ここのものはとても美しいです。ポスターやグラフィックデザインとか、インテリアデザインでさえも非常に美しいです。

Before I come to Japan.
I don’t know why so many people likes Japan.
But when I come to Japan I fully understand, because I also starting like this country.
Things here are so beautiful. Like Poster,Graphic design and even Interior design are so beautiful.



Likes my room in Hosting Resorts TOMAMU is simple but beautiful. The room makes me feel relax and just like home. Everything in here are so good.
Because I,m studying interior design so I really want to see Japan’s architecture and interior design.


And in this trip I have great harvest.
I think Japan is a great country.
I willing to bring my family to here next time.



My grandmother came to Japan few years ago.She told us that Japan is a very clean and beautiful country.
Toilets are all clean and no trash on the road. People here are polite and kind. Grandmother said that when you met Japanese people they will said hollo and smile at you.I think that is amazing, because in my country we won’t do that.And she said foods here are taste.By the way I like Tenpura very much.
When I comes to Japan personally I think grandmother is right. Japan is a great country.


日本での特別な体験 Special experience in Japan

SAMSUNG CSC100 Trip storiesに参加することで、これまでにやってみたことがないことを数多く体験しました。


004Participated in 100 Trip stories let me experience a lot of things that I haven’t try before.
This is my first time abroad and taking plane, so on the way to Hokkaido happened many things.
Like losting my luggage in airport or can’t find the terminal……Fortunately, I met many people are willing to help me.
I have never come across such an experience before.
Those are all special memories I have never forget


温泉でのちょっと勇気のいる経験 Onsen/ shy experience


I think that would be Onsen.That’s a really special experience.
In Taiwan we also have hot spring. But most are not public bath.


In Japan everyone are in the same hot spring bathhouse. That’s make me feel very shy in beginning.
After I try , I think this is a good experience and really comfortable and relax.
I love hot spring very much.
I won’t forget this experience anyway.


セグウェイのコーチ Segway teacher


In the Hoshino Resort I met a staff that he work in tower.
He is teaching Segway. Every morning I would see him when I take a walk in the resorts. He would say hello and smile at me.
That’s makes me feel friendly.So I decide to try Segway. That’s really fun.


In the began it’s really hard to control,but the Segway coach are very patiently. He teach me how to forward, go backward and control Segway. Although I do not understand Japanese but I still can feel that he is a really good person. Segway is a really fun activity. And I very happy I can meet such good person in this trip.



Actually there hasn’t been I really dislike.
But something I don’t adapt well.


In Taiwan we won’t drink cold water in winter or when the temperature is low.
But in Japan no matter how cold outside stores will offer cold water to customers.
I think I can’t adapt well, because the cold really bother me.
Every country has their own culture. I can’t adapt well but I’m really happy that I have chance to travel in Japan.
And experience many things that I haven’t try before. This trip will be a very good memories for me.

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