100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


ウミガメに出会った素晴らしい瞬間 Incredible moment to meet the sea turtles.


Iriomotejima, a island with mountain, surrounded by endless mangroves, clear seawater and colorful coral reefs is an amazing spot for snorkeling. Before I came to Iriomotejima, I couldn’t imagine that the seawater and coral reefs could be so beautiful, and the possibility to meet the sea turtles would be so high.
Tropical fish swimming around you was also the best memory at this time.


地元の「ハーリー祭り」に外国人なのに出場できたという体験 The first experience to be the athlete of the local "Hari Matsuri"


009I came to Yaeyama islands to extend the trip two weeks ago before the Hoshino 100-trip-stories project. With the aid of friend who met in Ishigakijima, I got a chance to participate in the “Ha-Ri matsuri”, a traditional celebration to pray for the great quantity of fishery by dragon boat racing. To replace the ex-athlete, an old man who just had backache at that week, I joined the team which was consistent of the ex-tenants of the local guesthouse in Iriomotejima. It was a rare change to let foreign visitors join, and I couldn’t believe I am that one!


地元のおじいさんとの交流 Conventional wisdom, an old man live with the nature.


In Iriomotejima, I met an old man ,Mr. Tsukayama. He is not only a pineapple farmer, cattleman, but also a fisherman and wild boar hunter. Mr.Tsukayama taught me a lot about the nature, agriculture, fishery, and history of Iriomotejima. He also told me the history of Taiwanese people, whose ancestry moved to Yaeyama islands for work and agriculture.

After the the competition, we got together and had BBQ party, Mr. Tsukayama took his Okinawa local transitional instrument called “sanshin”, play and sing the folk rhymes. The folk rhymes is about a beautiful woman who lived in Taketomijima, refused the propose of the Ryukyu kingdom’s official.


Jpeg石垣空港から関西空港へのフライトは朝10時40分です。しかし、前の晩私が泊まった小浜島のリゾートからフェリーで石垣に戻るには、少なくとも30分かかりました。 そのため、私は7時40分の最初のフェリーに乗るために、朝食を楽しむ時間をとることができませんでした。石垣フェリーターミナル駅に到着してからは、バスターミナルに重い荷物を持って少し歩き、そこで新石垣空港へのバスを待たなければなりません。バスターミナルから新石垣空港へのバスは40分程かかり、搭乗一時間前にチェックインしなければなりません。ちょっと忙しすぎでした。

The flight from Ishigaki Airport to Kansai Airport is 10:40 in the morning.But the ferry from Kohamajima, the resort I stayed in the last night took at least 30 minutes to back to Ishigaki. So I should get on the first ferry at 7:40, and don’t have enough time to enjoy the breakfast. As arriving Ishigaki ferry terminal station, it need some time to walk to the bus terminal station with own heavy packages and wait the bus to the New Ishigaki Airport.The bus from bus terminal to New Ishigaki Airport takes about 40 minutes, and have to check in flight a hour before boarding.It’s too rush.

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