100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


日本の食べ物は魅力的です Japanese food is attractive


During my stay in two resorts of Hoshino, except outdoor events I joined, I was always on the way to restaurant or in the restaurant. According to the arrangement, I tried different food such as buffet, italian food, Okinawa food made of local fresh ingredients. It’s really different from those Japanese food I have had in China, much more exquisite. My friend, who works as chef in hotel, said it was amazing once I posted these pics on wechat.


たくさんの優しい人たち Too many nice people

011012リゾナーレ 小浜島 に戻る途中に自転車で転んだ後、私は膝に塗る薬を探すために店に入ったのですが、見つけることができませんでした。インスタントヌードルを買っていた男性が、私のために、店主に消毒剤とバンドエイドがないか聞いてくれました。私は、男性の優しさと店主が助けてくれたことに深く感動しました。旅行中に、私のことを助けてくれようとするたくさんの地元の日本人に会いました。彼ら全員について書くことはできませんが、地元の日本人とコミュニケーションをとった時に、私は彼らから友情を感じました。

After I fell down from bicycle, on the way back to RISONARE KOHAMAJIMA, I entered into one shop in order to find some medicine to cover my knee but failed. One man who was buying instant noodles asked shop keeper for disinfectant and Band-aid for me. I was deeply touched by his kind and the shop keeper’s help. I met a lot of local Japanese who are willing to help me during my trip, I could not mention them all here by use of limited words, but I felt friendship from local Japaneses when I communicated with them.


DCIM116MEDIA私が小浜島に着いた時、ビーチクラブとフロントでしかWiFi が使えないことがわかりました。インターネットに接続したい時は、その場所にいなくてはなりません。私にとっては不便でしたが、旅を楽しみたい旅行者にとっては、慌ただしい世界から離れることも良いかもしれません。

When I arrived in KOHAMAJIMA,I found that only beach club and reception offer wifi connection. If I want to get internet connection, I have to be there, for me it’s not convenient, but for travelers who want to enjoy their trip, perhaps it’s ok to be absent from their own busy world.
When I arrived in Taketomi-jima, it’s amazing that I can get connected to Internet in my room, another problem appeared that it’s really difficult for me to lock the door, I spent a lot of time to play with the door lock. And it’s too short to stay only one night in Taketomi, it deserve more time to enjoy the calm life here


DCIM116MEDIA私は関西空港から石垣島まで、Peach の飛行機に乗りました。

I took peach flight from Kansai airport to Ishigaki.

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