100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


人と自然のハーモニー The harmony between human and nature


Before I travelled to Japan, I thought there is a high density of population which means more buildings and bigger cities, so that there is less natural scenery. However, when I arrived in Japan, I found that the natural green is everywhere. Air is fresh and clean. Forests, mountains and lakes are well protected. Especially in Nikko, wild monkeys occasionally appear around you, green hills are reflected in the beautiful lake, water fall pours down quickly, the whole world is so quiet, making people clam down and forget worries. All of above benefit from the good environmental concept of Japanese people, such as classifying rubbish.



Except for the image I mentioned above, before my trip, my image of Japan is influenced by Japanese TV shows and comics. People are so gentle, polite and friendly, always say “sorry” “thanks” and “excuse me”, talk in low voice, smile a lot even though sometimes they don’t feel funny. It seems that they are good at emotional management and think highly of rules.


温泉は最高 Hot springs are amazing


It’s my first time to soak in a outdoor hot spring without any clothes. In hot springs, people usually wear swimsuits in my country, but people should be naked in Japan. It’s a new practice for me but deserve to have a try. No obstacles between body and water, just like we come back to mother’s home and return where we are born. I feel closer to nature. By the way, Nikko is famous for its hot springs, if you come here, please try to soak in a hot spring in Japanese manner.


心の平安 Inner peace

004 005私は貯金が少なく経済的に苦しい若者なので、これまでの旅ではいつも安い航空会社や宿を選んでいました。高いホテルでも安いホテルでも寝る場所が違うだけで大した違いはないと思っていました。星野リゾートは私が今までの旅で泊まったなかで最も高価な宿です。これまでの人の多い環境と違って、星野リゾートはすべての宿泊客に心の平安のスペースを残しています。それはすばらしいスタッフや芸術的な飾り付けなどによるものです。自分が大切にされていて、敬われていると感じました。価格は妥当だと感じました。旅をよりよくするために大変な努力をしてくれていることに気づきました。

As a young people with low deposit and high economic pressure, before this trip, when I travelled abroad, I always chose budget airlines and hostels, I thought there was no big difference between high and low charged hotel, just a sleeping place. Living in Hoshino Resorts is my most expensive experience for accommodation in trip. Compared with previous crowded surroundings, it leaves an inner peace space for each customer by outstanding waiters, artistic decoration and so on, making me feel loved and respected,proving that the price makes sense, and reminding me to make great efforts for better trip.


親切心は最も貴重なもの Kind heart is most precious


I lost my way in a rainy day, even worse I didn’t bring an umbrella. Fortunately I met two kind people, they are tourists from Tokyo. Even though they are not familiar with places of Nikko, they still enthusiastically helped me a lot. The young man named Masa gave his umbrella to me and searched my hotel name on his cellphone. After searching, he was also confused, so he went into a nearby restaurant to ask the way in Japanese. When he came out and told me the right way, I asked whether they had lunch, maybe we could have lunch together. It was a memorable lunch, we talked a lot, he is 28 years old, working in a bar, we are in a same star sign, Pisces. After meal, I wanted to pay the whole bill to thank them, but he insisted that helping people shouldn’t need return.


009日本のホテルのサービスが優れているのは紛れもない事実です。例えば私が界 川治に着いたとき、少し暑かったのですが、受付の人が冷たいチョコレート牛乳をくれました。反対に、界 日光に着いたのは雨が降っていて寒い日でした。私の服は濡れていました。受付の人は今度もチョコレート牛乳をくれましたが、それは温かいものでした。そこでのサービスはとても繊細で、温かい気持ちになりました。

There is no doubt that Japanese hotels provide good service. For example, when I arrived in Kai Kawaji, the weather was a little hot, the worker of reception gave me a cup of cold chocolate milk. Oppositely, when I arrived in Kai Nikko, it was a cold rainy day and my clothes were wet, the worker of reception also gave me a cup of chocolate milk, but it was hot. A lot of details of their service make me feel warm.
However, I have a question about the check in time of most Japanese hotels, why does it set after 3pm? It seems a little late. In usual situation, people would like to get up early to start journey so that they have more time in the destination, but when they arrive early, they don’t meet the check in time.


010JR EAST PASSを使えば、JRの電車を使って日本の多くの都市に行けるほか、費用の節約にもなります。

With JR EAST PASS, I took Jr train to explore many cities of Japan and saved a lot of money for my trip.

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