100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


印象はずっと変わらず The Everlasting Impression


003My impression has not changed after visiting Japan.In fact,it has exceeded my expectations as Japan offers a very safe and stunning country to visit. I was filled with images of lush greenery and beautiful hydrangeas, which are in season now.I’m also impressed by the dances. Omotenashi,the spirit of Japanese hospitality, is a well-known fact and during this trip, I encountered many instances where the Japanese are willing to offer a helping hand to tourists like me, starting from asking help at the JR train counter to get the necessary train tickets and the heart-warming welcome I had when checking into the accommodation. Everything was well taken care of and I really appreciate this.I believe the passion in every Japanese towards their job helps to bring great quality work, which becomes a positive attribute of Japan.







Before visiting Japan, I had the impression that Japan is a country which has beautiful scenery in all four seasons and consists of very hardworking people who are always capable of good quality work and consistency. Also,Japan offers great cuisine that is extremely popular in Singapore,with the establishment of many Japanese restaurants. However, stress levels working in Japan can be very high and the standard of living in Japan is costly.


忘れられない虹 The Unforgettable Rainbow

熱海を訪れたときは梅雨のシーズンで、初日はずっと雨でした。熱海のトリックアート美術館に、このプロジェクトの参加者であり、リゾナーレ 熱海に泊まったWan Lingと一緒に行きました。その日は屋内のアトラクションしか行けませんでした。温まるために温泉まんじゅうにも挑戦してみました。ホテルに戻ろうとすると、雨が止んで虹が出ていました!息を呑むような、忘れられない光景でした。今回の旅を思い出し、私たちの友情を祝う、素晴らしい虹でした!

It was the rainy season when I visited Atami.It rained the whole first day and there were many attractions that were outdoor. I visited the Trick Art Museum at Atami with a fellow participant for this project,Wan Ling,who also stayed at Risonare Atami.We could only visit indoor attractions that day. We also tried onsen manju to keep ourselves warm. As we made our way back to hotel,the rain stopped and we saw rainbows! It was simply breathtaking and unforgettable.A great way to remember this trip and celebrate our friendship!


一人旅と新しくできた友達 Solo Travel with Newly Found Friends

007 008一人旅は地元の人や、同じように旅をしている他の旅行者と触れ合う機会になります。熱海を旅していた他の旅行者と少し会話をしました。そして新しいタイの友人とイギリスの女性と知り合いになりました。静岡にも訪れ、地元の日本人のガイドの方とお茶農場に行って今回の旅の楽しい思い出となりました。

009Traveling solo has given me the opportunity to interact with the locals and fellow travellers along the journey.I had small conversations with travellers exploring the Atami region. And I get to know a new Thai friend and a British lady.I also went to Shizuoka to explore the tea plantations with a local Japanese guide,which brought me fond memories of this trip.



笑顔のおもてなし Hospitality with Great Smiles

010界 熱海でニノミヤさんにお会いしました。笑顔が非常に素敵で、気さくな女性でした。彼女は私の宿泊の担当で、ずっとホテルのいろいろな側面を英語で説明してくれました。時に言葉の壁を感じることもありましたが、それでも楽しく会話できました。そして偶然にも、二人とも写真が好きだったのです!お互いに関心のあるものや旅行の体験について話しました。彼女と話していて本当に安心感がありました。彼女の仕事に対する情熱は素晴らしく、今回の旅で彼女と出会えて本当に良かったです。

I met Ms Ninomiya-san at Kai Atami and she appeared as a friendly lady who has great smiles. She was in charge of my check-in and was trying her best to explain in English on the various aspects of the accomodation. Although there is sometimes language barrier,we still managed to have great conversations and coincidentally,we like photography! We shared about our interests and talked about our travel experiences. I feel very at home when communicating with her.I appreciate her passion and enthusiasm in her job and I am very glad to have met her in this trip.




Dragging heavy luggage while climbing stairs is tough as sometimes I could not find the elevator at the train station so it is definitely physically challenging. I guess the infrequent bus services at less developed parts of Japan is a limitation on extensive travelling in a day as I need to plan my day properly based on bus timings. With my mediocre standards of Japanese language, I’m glad I could still communicate and get my way around to the places that I have intended to visit.I feel that as long as you try to communicate with the locals,they will try their best to bring across what they want to convey to you,be it hand signs or simple English,which is something I appreciate.


015JR EAST PASSがあると指定席に座れ、時間通りに目的地に着くのが分かっているので安心してあちこちを旅できますね!

Using JR EAST PASS allows me to take reserved seats and travel around with a peaceful mind as I know I will reach my destination on time!

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