100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


日本には美しいビーチがたくさんある Lots of beautiful beaches in Ishigaki


002I’ve been to Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Fukuoka and Hokkaido. However those places were really unlike Ishigaki. There was no shopping malls, night restaurants at Iriomote and Taketomi. Those local shops close around 7 or 8pm. The area was very quiet and relaxing unlike those popular cities in Japan. I could enjoy the peace away from the crowd. It’s totally another image for me in Japan. Islands with lots of beautiful beaches where is also in Japan. Besides, staffs of Hoshino Resorts were very nice, they all taken care of my needs such as providing me a car to travel around the island. I am thankful to all the staffs in this trip giving me a pleasant time.



Before this trip, my image of Japan was full of shopping malls, drug stores and lots of restaurants everywhere. Japanese people were nice and had good manner to customers. Also, they cared their environment and manner deeply. I watched from the TV show that the streets and toilets in Japan were extremely clean and neat.


ほかにはない場所、仲間川 Nakamagawa is an unique place


006I went kayaking in Nakamagawa. It is the largest mangrove in Japan. I had lunch with Kayaking coach at mangrove and while I was having lunch some crabs and fish came to visit me. It was a really special experience for me to eat with fishes and crabs and it was also my first time to try kayaking. It was really fun.


西表島「星砂の浜」の不思議な生き物、ハモ Muraenesox cinereus at Hoshisuna beach Iriomote


I did snorkeling at Hoshisuna beach. I love snorkeling to see different kinds of fishes and corals. Luckily, I saw a weird creature at Hoshisuna beach which was Muraenesox cinereus. He was hidden between the corals. I couldn’t believe I could see this at Iriomote. It was an forgettable memory for me in this trip.


和歌山から来たカヤックのコーチです Kayaking Coach from Wakayama


011I booked a full day kayaking on the second day at Iriomote. At 9:00 in the morning, the coach picked me up at the resort and he drove to Nakamagawa to have kayaking. The coach couldn’t speak any English so he instructed me in Japanese with his hand gestures. It was easy to understand. The coach told me he was originally from Wakayama. I asked him why he came to Iriomote and he told me he is addicted to the nature. He worked in Iriomote for 4 years. We had lunch together and shared about our family background. I had a really good time with him. I enjoyed a lot at Nakamagawa.



Changing ferry was a waste of time, I really had lack of time to do sightseeing at Taketomi because I had to leave early morning to catch the flight to Kansai on the next day. If there is a direct ferry from Iriomote and the flight time is not in the morning, then I would have more time to do cycling at Taketomi. I did not go to many places at Taketomi due to this reason. Hopefully, I could visit Taketomi again in next summer holiday as it’s so close to Ishigaki. In Taketomi, I easily lost my way with my bicycle rented by Hoshino because I did not understand the sign very well and there was no sign on the way to Hoshinoya Taketomi.



Flying to Ishigakijima. The weather was super nice.


Clouds like marshmallows.

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