100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


トトロのような美しい環境 Tottoro-like picturesque surrounding

003004星のや 軽井沢はすばらしい施設であることは、間違いないのですが、星野リゾートの、界 アルプスでは、またさらにの驚きの発見がありました。まず、周囲の自然がとても気に入りました。水田や林のほうへ散歩に出かけたとき、農作業をしていた年配の女性に出会いました。それは「となりのトトロ」のワンシーンを思い起こさせるかのような風景でした。これを見るだけでも、旅をする価値があります!さらに、餅つきは、まさにやりたかった経験でした。思ったより難しかったです。あの軽井沢とアルプスの美しい温泉の経験をカメラに納めることができなかったのが残念でなりません。

005Hoshinoya Karuizawa has already been a wonderful experience. However, when I arrived at hoshino alps, I received another surprise! I love the surrounding nature. I went on a walk around the rice fields and trees. Greeted an old lady who was farming. It reminded me of tottoro when I was walking around. It was all worth the traveling! The mochi making was indeed an experience— it was more difficult than it seemed to be.Unfortunately, I couldn’t take pictures of the beautiful onsen experience at Karuizawa and alps.


美しいものはすぐそばにある Beauty is around us.



008I am glad that I chose to visit Nagano. I realized during the trip that it has been hard for me to let go and enjoy what the place has to offer. Often, the daily hustle and bustle wears us down and we start to neglect the beauty and scenery around us. The wonderful environment, food and people made me smile from my heart. I will try to breathe and look around me whenever I am feeling down.


幸せな人々 Happy people


I met Ishisaka San when I first entered hoshino alps. She was the first to help me with my luggage. She was very bubbly and attempted her best to explain to me the amenities in the resort in English. She is originally from Nagano city. She did not hesitate when I asked her for a picture. She recommended me to go on a walking trail. The staff at hoshino resorts were very friendly and they attempted to speak English to the best of their abilities. I find that very thoughtful and endearing of them. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get a picture with all of them.



I noticed that the signs at train stations are not very clear. My ability to read and speak a little Japanese helped me to find my way around. The railway system is confusing enough and the lack of clear signs made it even harder to navigate. For instance, it took me a long time to find the counter for exchanging my jr pass. The staff at the information counter was not very helpful at suggesting solutions/alternatives. After the exchange, I had to visit the other counter upstairs for ticket reservation. It was indeed a tiring and stressful experience since I was carrying my luggage as well. Traveling around by train could be a little too stressful for my liking. However, the availability of portable wifi made it a lot easier. I could check the train timing and route to take with google map.


014Telecom Wifiで旅はずっと楽になりました。それなしでは、地図を読むのが苦手な私などは迷ったにちがいありません!バッテリーのもちも最高でした!

The trip was made so much easier with the Telecom Wifi! Without it, a poor map reader like me would have been lost! Battery life of the router was excellent!

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