100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


星野リゾートは私をまるで友人のようにもてなしてくれました。 Hoshino makes me feel like friends.


Definitely,my imagination of Japan changed. Further more,it changed even better!
For example,the staffs of station and Hoshino,you could really felt that they are all trying there best to solve the problem and question.Most of the time,they even think more than you thought and make sure you will be okay when traveling. The weather I went to Hakone was bad,and the volcano area was closed.Which makes me feel sad. So I’m trying to look for other place to go.When dinner time,the waitress helped me and printed some information for me,which really moved me.



As everything I know about Japan came for school and TV show,I have a lot of imagination to this country and the people.


Before I came to Japan,I thought the people here are cold and detached towards strangers.If y haven’t spend a lot of time with them,they will not show any personal emotion of themselves.

あと、JRを利用するのはとても面倒だろうと思っていました。 日本に行ったら何度も道に迷うかもしれないと思っていました。

Beside that,I thought the JR would be really complicated to take. I might get lost many times when I go to Japan.


浴衣がくれた思い出 The memories that yukata gave me.


I enjoyed the trip with yukata from Hakone Kai’s yukata.And when I travel around Hakone area,seems TV show’s reporter and cameraman asked me wether he can interview me or not.Which make me a little shock because I am Taiwanese not a real Japanese.The reporter said he saw I was wearing the yukata with wooden clogs.He thought I were local Japanese.


温泉でカルチャーショック Hot spring's culture shock.

006来日する前、日本の味噌汁が塩辛いことはすでに聞き知っていました。また、温泉につかる文化についても知っていました。私は最初、『どれくらい塩辛いのかしら?』 と思っていました。

Before I came to Japan.I have already knew and herd about the Japan’s miso soup is salty.And the culture to soak in a hot spring. At first I just thought ‘how salty can it be?’
But……when I was really here and tasted the real miso soup that I realize it is true about the miso soup.



And this is the first time that I get in to a hot spring with other naked!Though I know that already,but I was still really shy to be in the hot spring and naked with every lady there!


テレサテンの「月亮代表我的心」を歌って頂けませんか? 月亮代表我的心 Can you sing for me,please.


Before checking in the atami hotel,i walked around at the atami station.I found a restaurant with a long line,so I wanted to give it a try.When I was worrying about what to order,the man next to me passed a note to me and made a gesture of good!
That was a note of a famous classic singer,who calls 鄧麗君。



009And the man said:’can you sing this song for me a little?’
I was really shocked,cause she Is a really classic singer for me.It is a bit old classic ,but still good and represent the ear.
In the end I still sing a little before he left the restaurant,yes……,in forint of everyone in the restaurant !



This project only opened to visit Japan alone.Therefore,most of the time I am alone walking,dining,sleeping alone.At first I am not really get use to it.Staying in a big room,without noisy. Only the big nature kept you company.When you having a really good time,like soaking in a hot spring,you would really want to share the happiness with others. Or dining alone in every hotel and restaurant,when everyone surrounded you was couple ,friends or family,which making me miss all of the people I always hang out with.
Next time I will come here with my friends or family.The trip may be even better and more meaningful.


014JR EAST PASSを買ったら、支払いなしでほとんど全ての場所に行くことができます!大変安くて便利です!

One you buy the JR EAST PASS,you can go to almost everywhere without paying!Which is really cheap and convenient!

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