100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


すごく新鮮感を感じる Everything is new to me

001002私は日本のこと大好きで、特に日本と台湾本当に近いですから、今まで何度も日本に来たことがあります。今回はちょっと十回目ですが、私にとって全部はじめ てのようにすごく新鮮感を感じました!はじめての沖縄、はじめての八重山諸島、はじめての日本国内線、はじめてのカヤック…ここにいる毎日楽しんでいま す!それに、西表島も竹富島も少し日本本島から離れていて、自然な環境に包まれています。島に着くと、すぐ冒険気分を味わえます。

Although I have come to Japan so many times, everything that I met here is all new to me. Because this is my first time come to OKINAWA, first time to take the domestic flight line in JAPAN…etc. Life in here is full of adventure. The life style, foods I saw and eat here are totally different from Tokyo,Osaka and Kyoto. Last but not the least, the ocean here is super beautiful and stunning. Every island has it’s own special landscape, although these islands are pretty near to each other, the atmosphere is much more different. I really enjoyed everyday I spent here!!!


先言った通りに、この前に何度も東京や大阪や京都に行って、すごく「便利だな~」と思っています。しかし、今回の八重山諸島は全然「便利」ではありませ ん!と言っても、そういう「不便」の自身こそがここの魅力でしょう。それに、八重山諸島の住民の生活は周りの自然に溶け込み、島の独特な雰囲気を深く感じ ました。

Because I have go to Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto many times, and all of these places are main cities in Japan, so it feels like that Japan is a “convenient” country. But in OKINAWA, that kind of “convenient” does not exist. Instead, the environment here is so natural that the lifestyle is combined to.


秘境のんびりクルーズ 秘境のんびりクルーズ

003今回、私は西表島で秘境のんびりクルーズというコースを参加しました。西表島は海もあり、山もあり、本当に素晴らしい環境を持っています!台湾にも珊瑚が ありますが、ほとどんの船の下が透明で、つまり海の下で珊瑚を見るのは定番です。しかし、西表島の海は昔見た写真のように澄んでいて、船に乗って、海の上 から直接綺麗な珊瑚を見ました!本当にすごいな~と思っています。

When I was on the iriomotejima, I join a activity which is called「秘境のんびりクルーズ」. Iriomotejima is a very big island, and it has mountains, rivers, and ocean of course. Which means that there are lots of view point here. Where I get on the boat, I was stunned by the beauty of the coral reef there! The ocean there is so clear that you can see coral reef just below it.


Everything! Everything!

004005この問題には答えられません(笑)理由は。。。ここであった人、事、物全部最高です!でも、もし答えなければいけませんなら、それは多分「旅行のし方」だ と思います。以前、私が旅行にどこに行ったとき、絶対に事前にきちんと計画を立て、朝7時からよる10時まで全部いっばいいっばいで、楽しかったけど、毎日疲れました。でも、今回八重山諸島にいる時私は部屋で過ごす時間が長くなり、何にも考えせず、ただ休むだけですけど、心はちゃんと休憩を取りましたか ら、毎日楽しくアクティビティを参加していきました。

It is very hard to answer this question. Because every part of this trip is all memorable. In the past when I am traveling, I will try to go to every famous spot, and that makes me have to wake up early and go back in dark. But this time, I slow down my pace and give myself some time to relax without thinking anything. I really enjoy the every moment on these island.


ダイビングとシュノーケルの指導員の方 the coach of diving and snorkeling


When I was in TAKETOMISHIMA, I went to snorkeling! Actually my swimming skill is not good, so I was very nervous when I was on the boat. But the coach is so kind and tell me a lot of knowledge about snorkeling, so the fear faded away when I started. Coach showed me a lot of tropical fish and carol, and tell me some jokes in the proper time to release my nervous. The weather on that day was really nice, and I think I am very lucky to meet such a nice coach in TAKETOMISHIMA, which makes me want to go snorkeling over and over again.


009今回の旅はすごく楽しくて、毎日充実に過ごしていました。星野リゾートのお陰で、こんなに快適な旅行ができて、本当に感謝します。実は、この「100 TRIP STORIES」を申し込っだのは二回目です。最初は選ばれなかったんですが、第二回を開催した時、スタッフから「また応募してください」のメールを頂いてから、私はまた勇気を出して第二回を申し込みました。今、ここにいられるのは星野リゾートのお陰です。ありがとうございました!

I haven’t meet any unsatisfied situation in these days. In fact, I would like to say THANK YOU to hoshino resort for giving me such a precious chance to come and see how beautiful here is. Actually I had applied this 100 stories program 1st, but I was not selected as one of these members. But later, I got a email from hoshino resort, and recommended me to applied again. That why now I can stay in this beautiful resort writing my report. Thank you so much. I already had lots of great memories in this four days.



Thanks to YAEYAMA KANKO FERRY for giving me such a comfortable Trip !

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