100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


日本を一瞬で好きになりました Fall in love with japan at first sight


002This is my first time to travel in Japan. I already searched some information about Japanese travel in the internet. In my image, all streets in Japan are as neat as a new pin and Japanese people are friendly. After arriving Japan, I feel comfortable with neat environment that without any dirty on the floor. The Japanese people are always smiling and answer my question about itinerary. Although somebody cannot speak English very well, they try to use body language to let me understand their meaning. I like this trip because not only is beautiful sceneries in Japan but is kindly Japanese people.






My impression about Japan is well. Japan is a popular travel destination, with convenient transport systems and clean streets. Japanese people are polite and humble everywhere. They always smile and say “Thank you” or “You’re welcome”. My friends who have been to Japan always tell me that you should travel to Japan to enjoy wonderful scenery and experience customer service in Japan.


なんて素敵な日でしょう! what a lovely day!


I take Hakone Sightseeing Cruise from Togendai to Moto-Hakone. While on the cruise, I could see the highest mountain ,Mt.Komagatake,and archyways of the two shrines that float on the lake. It takes about 40 minutes to reach Moto-Hakone. An amazing sight nearby is the huge archway to Hakone Shrine.The red gate and building of Hakone Shrine look beautiful against the green surrounding trees.I am blessed and peaceful by visiting the tranquil main shrine.


温泉: 完全に夢中 Hot springs:complete immersion

004私は日本に一度も行ったことがありませんでしたが、日本の文化には興味があり、リラックスするために有名な温泉を訪れるつもりでした。幸いにも、箱根と熱海という日本の温泉で有名な2つの都市を訪れました。リゾナーレ熱海と界 箱根での特別な温泉経験が最も私を夢中にしました。初めての温泉の楽しみはびっくりでした!

Although I have never been to Japan ,I am interested in Japanese cultures and expected to visit famous hot springs to relax myself. Fortunately, I visit Hokon and Atami ,two cities that is famous for hot spring in Japan .Different hot spring experience in Resonare Atami and Kai Hakone stuck me the most. What a surprise first hot spring enjoyment!


新しい日本の友達をつくる Make a new Japanese friend

005旅では多くに日本人に出会いました。みなとても親切でした。私にとって最も印象的だったのは、界 箱根のカシマさんというスタッフでした。カシマさんは私のために上品な日本の食べ物を用意し、どの料理についても私が食べる前に説明してくれました。彼女の親切な微笑みと素晴らしいサービスのおかげで、私は彼女との会話の間ほっとした気持ちになりました。私たちはさまざまな話題についておしゃべりをし、お互いの国の言葉を話すことを学びました。彼女と友達になれて嬉しいです。私はこの旅の後も彼女と連絡をとると約束しました。そして彼女が次に私の国、台湾を旅する時は歓迎するつもりです。

006I met many Japanese people on my trip. They were all very kind. The most impressive thing for me is the staff whose name is Kashima in Kai Hakone. She prepared delicate Japanese food for me and explained every dish before I dined. I felt relieved during our conversation because of her gracious smile and good service. We chatted about different topics and learned to say languages from each other’s country. I am glad to make friend with her. I promised to keep contact with her after this trip and welcomed her to travel to my country, Taiwan, next time.




I love this trip very much. The only thing bothered me is that there are just Japanese indications in some travel destinations or bus stations. I could not understand the meaning on the signs so that I should spend time asking somebody give me a hand. It is not friendly for people from around the world to travel in Japan. For travelers without Japanese bases, English instruction and sign are important to help them find the direction to continue their next step immediately. Because I love the sense of the beauty everywhere in Japan ,I hope that different languages will not be an obstacle to travelers.


011旅の間はTelecom Wifiを使いました。インターネットですぐに旅程の情報を得る助けとなりました。

I used the Telecom Wifi during my journey.It help me get information of my
itinerary on the internet immediately.

012私はJR EAST PASSを持っていたので、目的地にはたやすくJR東日本の電車で行くことができました。旅の間、私にはとても便利でした。

Having the JR EAST PASS, I could go to the destination by JR EAST train easily. It is very convenient for me during the trip.

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