OMO Points Service Terms and Conditions

(for Individual Users)

OMO Points Service Terms and Conditions

(for Individual Users)

Article 1 (General Comments)

The purpose of these Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as these “Terms”) is to set forth the terms and conditions for the provision of the Services (defined below) and the contractual relationship between Points Users (defined below) and the provider of the Services (hereinafter referred to as the "Company".) pertaining to the use of the Services, and these Terms of Use shall apply to all such contractual relationships.

Article 2 (Definitions)

  1. “Applicable Hotel” means a hotel, inn, and other accommodation facility designated by the Company as the facility subject to the Services.

  2. “Voluntary Granting of Points” means granting Points by the Company to the Points User on occasions other than the use of the Applicable Hotels.

  3. “Force Majeure, etc.” means acts of God, system troubles of the Services, and other force majeure events (This shall include damage caused by computer viruses and hacking, changes in the system environment, network failures, maintenance work, emergency response, etc. that occur despite the Company's implementation of countermeasures at the level normally required).

  4. “Points User” means a person who has entered into an agreement for the Services with the Company in accordance with these Terms.

  5. “Website” means the website for the Services separately designated by the Company.

  6. “Contract” means the contract for the use of the Service formed in accordance with these Terms.

  7. “Services” means the OMO Points Service which is the points service provided by the Company as set forth in these Terms.

  8. “Accommodation Ticket” means the Lodging Gift Card set forth in these Terms.

  9. “Points” means OMO Points granted by the Company under the Services.

Article 3 (Services)

The Company will provide the Points Service to the Points Users as follows:

  1. The Company will grant the Points to the Points User in the case where the Points User stays at the Applicable Hotel or fulfills any other conditions separately specified by the Company, in accordance with a method separately specified by the Company;

  2. Points User can use the Points granted to them by applying for exchange of the Points into the Accommodation Ticket in a manner separately determined by the Company;

  3. When the Points User uses the Points, the Company shall arrange for delivery of the Accommodation Ticket to the Points User; and

  4. Points Users shall be responsible for securing, maintaining, and managing the telecommunication environment and telecommunication devices necessary for the use of the Service.

Article 4 (Contract)

The Contract will be formed when the person who intends to become a Points User provides an application in the manner prescribed by the Company after agreeing to these Terms, and the Company accepts such application. In addition, if the person seeking to become a Points User is a minor or any other person with a limited legal capacity, the Company will not treat such application as a valid application unless the procedures separately designated by the Company are taken.

Article 5 (Granting of Points)

The Company will grant the Points to the Points User who used the Applicable Hotel in a manner separately specified by the Company in accordance with the rate and conditions prescribed in Schedule 1. The Company reserves the right to review and revise the rate and conditions set forth in Schedule 1 each fiscal year and from time to time as deemed necessary by the Company.


The Company may provide Voluntary Granting of Points to the Points User. In the event that Voluntary Granting of Points is made, the Company may notify the relevant Points User thereof.

The Company may change the method of granting Points at its sole discretion.


Points will be granted to the account of the Services held by the Points User. Although a Points User may hold multiple accounts, Points granted to each account shall be independent of Points in other accounts and Points may not be transferred between accounts.

The Company may provisionally grant Points to Hoshino Resorts Account Members prior to the formation of this Contract. In such case, upon formation of this Contract between the relevant Hoshino Resorts Account Member and the Company, the Contract shall apply to the Points provisionally granted prior thereto, retroactively to the time when the Points were granted, and the Points shall be treated as having been duly granted hereunder.

Article 6 (Effective Term of Points)

The Points shall be effective until the end of the month in which three (3) years have elapsed from the day on which the Points User checked out from the Applicable Hotel to which the Points were granted or, in the case of Points granted upon Voluntary Granting of Points, from the day on which the Points were granted.

Article 7 (Inquiry for Points)

Points Users can check their unused Points on the Website.

Article 8 (Use of Points)

Points User may use his/her Points by applying for the exchange of Points for Accommodation Tickets in a manner separately specified by the Company.


Points accrued first shall be used first from the valid Points held by the Points User in the account in which the Points are used.


When the Points User uses the Points, the Company shall arrange for Dokidoki Ryokan Co., Ltd., the issuer of the Accommodation Ticket, to issue the Accommodation Ticket to the Points User.


The Points User may not cancel the use of the Points for any reason.

Article 9 (Personal Information)

The Company will properly handle the personal information of Points Users collected in connection with the provision of the Services in accordance with the privacy policy set forth by the Company.

Article 10 (Suspension of Use and Withdrawal)

Points User may cancel this Contract and withdraw from the Services in accordance with procedures separately specified by the Company.


When a Points User withdraws from the Services, the Points granted up to the time of withdrawal shall expire, and the Points or account may not be assigned, transferred, redeemed, etc.


If a Points User re-enters into this Contract after withdrawing from the Services, the Points expired upon withdrawal shall remain expired and shall not become effective again.

Article 11 (Covenants of Points User)

Points User shall comply with the following matters in using the Services.

  1. Points User shall provide the Company with true and accurate information necessary to use the Services.

  2. When there is any change in the information related to Points Users, Points User shall promptly provide and register such change.

  3. Points User shall manage the information necessary for use of the Service such as the ID and password of the account of the Service so as not to be known to a third party.


  4. Points User shall not lend, transfer (Including the case of free of charge.), succeed, or offer as collateral the Service account or the Points to any third party including your family members or friends (nor shall Points be transferred between multiple accounts of Points Users).

  5. Points User shall not use the Service account or Points held by other Points Users.

  6. Points User shall not use the Services for the purpose of attracting customers, exchanging money, or any other commercial purpose.

  7. Please use the Services with care so that they do not constitute unauthorized use of the Services.

  8. Points User shall use the Services with care so as not to assist or aid unauthorized use of the Services by others.

  9. Points User shall not use the Services in any inappropriate manner or purpose.

  10. Points User agrees that if a Points User falls under Antisocial Forces or has a socially criticized relationship with Antisocial Forces, he/she shall immediately notify the Company and suspend the use of the Services.

  11. Points User shall contact the Company immediately upon discovering any unauthorized use or activity of the Services by the Applicable Hotel or any third party.

Article 12 (Interruption or Suspension of Services)

In the event of a force majeure event, breach of this Agreement, unauthorized use, or other accident, the Company may investigate such accident.

In the event that unauthorized use, etc. by an Applicable Hotel, Points Users, or a third party in connection with the provision and operation of the Services is confirmed, or the Company determines that there is a possibility of unauthorized use, it may take necessary measures to prevent, avoid or recover such unauthorized use, etc. including investigating such unauthorized use, excluding the person who committed or involved in such unauthorized use, etc. from the Services and terminating this Contract as between such person.

The Company may suspend the provision of the Services without prior notice in order to conduct the investigation or take necessary measures as set forth in this Article, and the Points User hereby consents to such suspension in advance.

Article 13 (Maintenance)

The Company may suspend, change, or alter the Services or any part of them if necessary for smooth provision of the Services such as maintenance.

Article 14 (Discontinuance of Service)

The Company may discontinue the Services if it reasonably determines that the Company should discontinue the provision of the Services.


Except as otherwise specifically required by law, the Company shall not be liable for damages or any other liabilities even if the provision of the Services is discontinued.

Article 15 (Termination)

When a Points User falls under any of the following items, the Company may terminate this Contract without any notice. Upon termination of the Contract, the Points User shall be withdrawn from the Service and all of his/her Points shall become invalid.


  1. The Points User breaches this Contract or these Terms and fails to respond in good faith to the Company's request for correction;

  2. The Points User breaches any of the covenants to be observed;

  3. When it becomes clear that this Contract with the Points User was terminated in the past.

  4. When a Points User dies;

  5. When the Points User becomes a Person with limited legal capacity and the procedures separately designated by the Company are not taken;

  6. When it becomes clear that the Points User is a Person with limited legal capacity and that the application for this Contract has not been made appropriately;

  7. Any other circumstances are found to make it difficult for the Company to continue to provide the Services.

Article 16 (Exemption from Liability)

The Company shall be exempted from liability for damages incurred by Points Users due to Force Majeure, etc., or any cause attributable to Points Users or third parties.


The Company shall not be responsible for the telecommunication environment such as the Internet connection service and the telecommunication devices used by the Points User in using the Service.

Article 17 (Governing Law and Jurisdiction)

This Contract shall be governed by the laws of Japan, and the Tokyo District Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction in the first instance over any judicial dispute that may arise in connection with this Contract or the Services.

Article 18 (Modification)

The Company may amend these Terms and Conditions from time to time if any of the following events occur. These Terms shall apply to this Agreement after any amendment to these Terms.

  1. when the amendment to these Terms conforms to the interests of Points Users in general;

  2. the amendments to these Terms are reasonable and consistent with the purpose of this Contract;

If the Company intends to amend these Terms, it shall determine the effective date of these Terms after such amendment and notify Points User of the contents of these Terms after such amendment and the effective date thereof at least one week prior thereto.


In the event of any inconsistency between the Japanese language version of these Terms and any other language version, the Japanese language version shall prevail.

Schedule 1

5% of the accommodation fee (excluding taxes and service charges) at the time of reservation via the Hoshino Resort Official Website shall be granted as "OMO Points."


  • It does not include additional charges such as local food and beverage charges that are incurred after the reservation is made.