Ski and snowboard lessons


Yukids 70, or Snow Kids 70, is Hoshino Resorts' original lesson program designed to help children make solid progress in skiing while having fun. Lessons are held at Risonare Tomamu (Tomamu Ski Resort), Nekoma Mountain, and Risonare Yatsugatake.

70 steps to become an advanced skier

We have subdivided skiing movements and divided the skills necessary for progress into 70 steps. The clear steps stimulate a sense of challenge and allow each child to improve while actively having fun.

Exclusive lesson area for skiing debut.

Each property has an exclusive Yukids 70 area. You can focus on your practice without worrying about skiers and snowboarders around you.

6 levels to improve

The 70 steps of mastery in Yukids 70 are designed to help you achieve six levels. Lessons range from Level 1, where you can stop when you want to, to Level 6, where you can enjoy tree run courses and backcountry skiing.

Lessons are supported to continue

In the lessons, children will receive a pin badge for the level they have reached. In addition, the lesson data will be saved digitally so that instructors at all Hoshino Resorts can check it. Therefore, at any Hoshino Resorts, you can always start your lesson from the next step of the previous one.

Yukids 70 is available at 3 snow areas of Hoshino Resorts.

You can take lessons up to level 3 at Resonale Yatsugatake, up to level 5 at Nekoma Mountain, and up to level 6 at Tomamu Ski Resort.








位於會津磐梯山的山腳下,眺望豬苗代湖的高原上的度假酒店。溫水泳池, SPA,溫泉,您可以享受接觸不為人知的會津文化的住宿。從新綠到紅葉,一直到被深雪包圍的季節都能活躍地度過。


Yukids 70 Details

From December to late March


From 3 to 12 years old
Tomamu Ski Resort accepts children from 4 years old.


Skiing / Snowboarding
RISONARE Yatsugatake has lessons for skiing only.


Tomamu Ski Resort ¥5,800/lesson
RISONARE Yatsugatake ¥5,300/lesson
-Free level 1 lesson at the snow slopes in RISONARE
Nekoma Mountain ¥2,500/lesson


Lesson・Yukids 70 pin badge(for level achievers only)
RISONARE Yatusgatake|A set of ski equipment (skis, poles, boots) can be provided.
Nekoma Mountain|A set of ski equipment(skis, poles, boots) or a snowboard and boots can be provided.

  • Warm clothes to play in the snow

  • For Tomamu Ski Resort, your own ski or snowboard equipment. (rental equipment is available).