A Historical Morning Stroll in Guguan

Know different stories of Guguan
Led by the staff, you can experience a nice morning walk through Guguan's streets and get to know different stories of Guguan.
A Historical Morning Stroll in Guguan | |
기간 | Everyday |
시간 | Apr.~Sep. 7:30AM-8:30AM |
진행 시간 | 1 시간 |
대상 연령 | 13세 이상 |
모집 정원 | 8 people |
집합 장소 | Lobby |
진행 언어 | 중국어(번체) |
신청 기한 | Required by 6:00 PM the previous day. *Cancellations may be due to weather conditions. *Please measure your physical strength to participate and wear walking shoes. |
주의 사항 | This activity is limited to guests above 12 years old. |