Pet Room Terms of Use

Pet Room Terms of Use

For guests staying at the facility with their dogs.
Please observe the following terms and conditions for a pleasant stay for all guests.

1. Accommodation fee

For every dog, the accommodation fee is 5,093 yen per night (tax included). This accommodation fee is not included in the payment at the time of reservation, so please make the payment at the facility.

2. Conditions for staying in the pet room

The Hotel reserves the right to restrict access to the pet room if it reasonably considers that the following conditions are not met. However, some conditions may be waived on condition that you follow separate instructions given by the Hotel staff. Even if the following conditions are met, the Hotel may restrict your use of the pet room or request that you stop using the Hotel's facilities, even during your stay, if the Hotel considers that there is a risk that your dog may interfere with the Hotel's operations or cause harm to other guests.

  1. )Requirements for your dog
    The following requirements must be met by your dog.

    1. The dog has been given basic training (no biting, barking, jumping, or defecation).

    2. The dog has had one rabies vaccination each year and at least five mixed vaccine inoculations within the past year.
      *For mixed vaccine inoculations, a certificate of antibody test results that proves that the dog has sufficient antibodies can be substituted for the vaccination certificate.
      *In order to confirm injections and vaccinations, please submit both of the following documents (photocopies are acceptable) at the time of check-in.

      1. Rabies vaccination government certificate (please present it to the staff), or the veterinarian’s rabies vaccination certificate.

      2. Mixed vaccine vaccination certificate or certificate of antibody test results (must be positive for canine distemper virus, canine parvovirus, and canine adenovirus antibodies).

    3. No risk of infection with zoonoses.

    4. Not in the treatment or curing period of a disease or injury. In the case of female dogs, please avoid a stay during menstruation and within 2 weeks of menstruation or during pregnancy.

    5. Not marked by aggression such as raising them as fighting dogs and should not cause fear or aversion towards other people or dogs.

  1. )Conditions for Stay
    The conditions for the stay are as follows:

    1. Please do not shampoo, trim or brush your dog in the guest room or bathroom.

    2. In case your dog excretes outside the toilet, set up inside the guest room, please contact the staff immediately after cleaning is completed by the owner.

    3. When your dog is left alone in the room, please take care of them in the cage.

    4. You are solely responsible for any injury caused by your dog to other guests, employees, and hotel visitors, and for any damage to the property. If any claim is made against the Hotel for these reasons, you will be required to compensate for all damages.

    5. The hotel shall not be responsible for any injury, escape, or death of your dog caused by force majeure such as by natural disaster or accidents while using the facility.