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May 13, 2020

Actions against Novel Coronavirus at Hoshino Resorts


Focus on management of health and hygiene, and the avoidance of the “Three Cs” (close contact, confined spaces, and crowded places)

Hoshino Resorts have made progress on the actions against the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, at all of the properties, focusing on the management of health and hygiene, and the avoidance of the “Three Cs”*. We will continue to deliver Japanese traditions and omotenashi (Japanese hospitality) through the infusion of unique, local culture.
* ”Three Cs” is a keyword in Japan, where “the risk of occurrence of clusters is particularly high when the “Three Cs” overlap.” The “Three Cs” include close contact, confined spaces (with poor ventilation), and crowded places. From the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Website.

Delivering Safety in Travel

With the outbreak of novel coronavirus, travel and contact with others have been restricted. Hoshino Resorts believe that when the outbreak settles down, what is sought from travel is both safety and an experience that frees people from reality.

We think that the travel industry can provide a place of stay to relieve the mind from the stress that has built up during this past couple of months.

At Hoshino Resorts, for both guests and staff members, our focus is on the management of health and hygiene, and the avoidance of the “Three Cs”. We will continue to update our services at each and all the properties. Management of health and hygiene includes disinfection procedures inside the facility, and the confirmation of good health for both guests and staff. Avoidance of the “Three Cs” includes the making of an environment that avoids close contact, confinement of spaces, and crowds, and this will lead the way for our service to evolve.

Specific Actions against Novel Coronavirus

Feature 1: Management of Health and Hygiene
– Confirmation of Health upon Check-in
Our staff will be checking body temperatures upon check-in of all guests. If a guest has a temperature of 37.5 degrees Celsius or higher, a questionnaire will be given and we will follow the instructions of the public health center and may withhold the stay. 
– Disinfection procedures for the cleaning of rooms and public areas. In particular, for the cleaning of all of the guest rooms, alkaline electronic water will be used to disinfect areas that are most often touched such as doorknobs, handles of wardrobes and refrigerators, remote controls, switches, etc.
– Availability of alcohol-based disinfectants at multiple locations around each property
– Alcohol-based disinfectants to be used upon arrival at restaurants for all guests
– High-temperature washing (above 80 degrees Celsius) of tableware (plates and glass) and cutlery, and disinfection of trays
– Masks to be worn by all staff members
– Management of health and hygiene of staff members (checking and recording temperatures before work)

Feature 2: Avoidance of the “Three Cs”
Below are the actions to avoid the “Three Cs”: close contact, confined spaces, and crowded places.

[Applicable to All Properties]

– Limitation to entry into crowded areas
– Management of crowd s at restaurants by spreading the reservation time
– Management of crowds at the check-out counter

[For Corresponding Properties]

Properties with Buffet-style Restaurants
> Set menu and take out is possible
> Distance between tables are 2 meters apart

Properties with Pools
> Limitation to available lockers
> Announcement of crowded times

[HOSHINOYA and KAI Properties]

In order to avoid contact with other guests, check-in at the front desk is temporarily canceled and instead, guests will be escorted directly to their rooms.