Guestrooms perfect for your city travel
Guestrooms perfect for your city travel
The city-inspired design and storage space make the trip enjoyable.
The key point is that you can stay in a group and take off your shoes to relax.
*Specifications vary depending on some facilities and room types.
4 Special Features
Kick off your shoes and relax
You can take your shoes off in the guest rooms at OMO, so stretch your legs out and relax after you've enjoyed the city to the fullest.
Plenty of storage space
There is space to store suitcases, so the entire room is open for use.
Suitable for Group Travel
Rooms for 3 or more people are available for traveling with friends and family. Have a great time no matter who you come with.
The bathroom, toilet, and washroom are designed to be independent and comfortable.
Special attention to design
The rooms have a design style featuring artwork and furniture that capture the essence of the city.
Unique Rooms
Featuring artwork depicting sight-seeing attractions and a large living space. The bed area is partitioned off so you can relax in a private space. *Only at OMO7 Osaka
Entaku Twin Room
The table between the beds functions as a partition while you are sleeping. You can rest while keeping a comfortable distance.
*Only at OMO5 Kumamoto
Featuring a "Yagura (Tower) Bed" with a comfortable living space on the lower level and a bed space on the upper level. This room feels like a secret hideaway, enabling you to enjoy a sense of privacy.
OMO House
Equipped with a kitchen and washing machine, this room is recommended for long-term stays. There are two bedrooms, making it a great choice for group stays as well.