

Kyoto Goshuin Journey in Fushimi

Touring Fushimi with a "Sake Stamp Book" in hand

With this activity you can explore Fushimi, one of the most famous sake production areas in Japan, by yourself with a "Sake Stamp Book," a log of your journey to find some original sakes with the OMO logo. After returning to OMO3Kyoto Toji, you can also enjoy the sake together with some food purchased at the Food & Drink Station.

Kyoto Goshuin Journey in Fushimi
PeriodAll year

Enjoy it whenever you like. * Opening hours vary by store. * If you plan to eat or drink after you are back at the hotel, it is recommended that you leave by noon on the day of your stay.

Appropriate age
20 years or older

Original Sake Stamp Book, your travel log; a staff-made secret map




<Example schedule of this activity> 11:00 AM Leave your luggage at OMO3 Kyoto Toji, depart for Fushimi (from Toji station) 11:30 AM Arrive at Fushimi station. Start your tour around sake breweries. —Stroll through the streets of Fushimi on a sake brewery tour— Have lunch in a fancy cafe, buy some Japanese sake that caught your fancy, and enjoy walking around town. 6:30 PM Leave from Fushimi station 7:00 PM Arrive at OMO3 Kyoto Toji 7:30 PM Buy snacks at OMO Food & Drink Station 8:00 PM Pour your drinks, place the snacks on the table and let the after-party in your room begin


This activity is for guests only (during their stay). Expenses for shopping, food, and beverages are not included. This is not a guided tour by our staff, but a walk activity to do on your own.

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