Maps and directions

2-26-1 Kita-Otsuka, Toshima-ku, Tokyo, Japan 170-0004

Nearest station/bus stop

1 minute walk from JR Yamanote Line Otsuka Station

If coming by plane
From Tokyo International Airport (Haneda Airport)

・By train

From "Haneda Airport" station, take the Keikyu Airport Line to "Shinagawa" station (about 20 minutes), transfer to JR Yamanote Line at "Shinagawa" station to "Otsuka" station (about 35 minutes), and walk for 1 minute from "Otsuka" station

・By airport limousine bus Take the Airport Limousine Bus (heading towards Ikebukuro) from each terminal at Haneda Airport (about 50 minutes), get off at "Ikebukuro West Exit" bus stop, 1 stop (3 minutes) from JR "Ikebukuro" station to "Otsuka" station

From Narita International Airport

・By train From "Narita Airport" station, take the Keisei Line "Skyliner" to "Nippori" station (about 45 minutes), transfer to JR Yamanote Line at "Nippori" station to "Otsuka" station (about 10 minutes), and walk for 1 minute from "Otsuka" station

・By airport limousine bus

Take the limousine bus (heading towards Ikebukuro, Mejiro, Korakuen) from each terminal at Narita Airport (about 120 minutes), get off at "Ikebukuro West Exit" bus stop, 1 stop 3 minutes from JR "Ikebukuro" station to "Otsuka" station

If coming by train
From Tokyo Station

From "Tokyo" station, take JR Yamanote Line to "Otsuka" station (about 20 minutes), walk for 1 minute from "Otsuka" station

From Shinjuku Station

From "Shinjuku" station, take JR Yamanote Line to "Otsuka" station (about 10 minutes), walk for 1 minute "Otsuka" station

From Ikebukuro Station

From "Ikebukuro" station, take JR Yamanote Line to "Otsuka" station (about 2 minutes), walk for 1 minute "Otsuka" station

If you are arriving by taxi:

・Approximately 10 minutes by taxi from "Ikebukuro" station

・Approximately 20 minutes by taxi from "Shinjuku" station

・Approximately 15 minutes by taxi from "Tokyo" station

If you are arriving by car:

・From various locations in Kanto region

Take the Metropolitan Expressway Route 5 Ikebukuro Line, exit at "Higashi-Ikebukuro IC", then take Kasuga Street and Route 254, approximately 5 minutes.

  • ※Please note that there is no parking available at the hotel. Please use nearby coin parking facilities.