Booking hotels

Booking hotels

When can I make a reservation?

Reservations can be made from one year in advance (one and a half years for HOSHINOYA) to the day of your stay. Many hotels of Hoshino Resorts offer special rates for guests who make reservations earlier than average, such as 120 days or 45 days in advance.

I would like to know the availability.

To view availability, please use the Hoshino Resorts Cross Search. You can also narrow down your search by date and features, and try out the function to compare hotels.

How do I inquire via chat?

A chat inquiry window is available on each hotel's official website. To start a chat, scroll down and click the 'Support’ button on the bottom right corner.

Please note that unfortunately, some hotels do not offer a chat function.

Can I make a reservation for my child to sleep with me (without bedding)?

On the official website, children who sleep together (without bedding) can be registered as “under 4 years old”. However, the age of children who can sleep with you varies from hotel to hotel.

For details, please check the note about bed sharing in the section where you register the number of guests.

Can minors stay without an accompanying adult?

Guests under the age of 18 staying without an adult must provide parental consent and contact information for the duration of their stay.

A parental consent form must be submitted at check-in. If the consent form cannot be verified, underage guests will not be permitted to stay at the hotel.

Do I need to be vaccinated against COVID-19?

Vaccination for guests is optional. Please note that unvaccinated guests are still welcome to stay with us.