
The world created by children

Atelier Notes

At Atelier, many unique expressions are created by children. While enjoying various materials, tools, and ways to express yourself, you can come across your own unique expressions.

"Fishes in the Sky"

In the soft sunlight, the fish swim comfortably in the blue sky.

"It's interesting when shadows come together,"

On top of the overhead projector, he experimented with various animal figures and plastic sheets. He put various animals on top of the whale and let the deer wear colorful capes ・・・. Looking at the shadows, he told me that the whale looked like an airplane and that the legs were slightly visible.

"Juice store "

I witnessed a new way of using colored water bottles. Children's ideas surprise me every day!

"Mixed Juice"

The color of your hair changes after drinking this juice.


"It looks like a bone!""Dinosaurs!" They marched through the project room, showing the shape, height and movement of the dinosaur's neck.

"Two Tulips"

When he saw his sister drawing a cute tulip, her younger brother wanted to draw it too. What kind of flower shape is your sister's drawing? What color and what part does it represent? and he took a long look and it became his own tulip.

"The Search for Color"

When she mixed blue and yellow and drizzled water over it ... it was like being dazzled by the unmixed colors and the beauty of spreading more and more with water. What happens when you paint white? "A little white!"

"There was a hippopotamus,"

When he put various shapes of plastic sheets on the OHP, they look like a landscape. Clouds, wind, trees, grass, houses. They live there ... hippos! It was a wonderful idea to express what the ingredients were missing with his own hands. After this, he developed an activity to make a three-dimensional house using large polyethylene blocks.

"Hisohiso Monogatari"

Big secret story, little secret story, tree secret story.

"Explore spinning top"

Would you like to find something else for the child who was somehow passing the material around? I asked him, and he started to explore passing the various materials around. It developed into a game of setting up a place to pass them around so that they wouldn't fall off, figuring out a combination of two or more materials, and even making the "tops" that he came up with compete against each other in a tournament-style game to see which one would spin better.


He's full of hair. Flowers bloomed beside him.

"My first soil paint"

On his hand print with paint, this time, he will layer soil paint made by melting soil powder. Is he observing the change in color or tasting the feel of the paint? When he finished painting the top of his hand, he spread the paint as if connecting between them.

"The Deers Movie"

Deer's father went to work, and during that time they all made curry, and it was a spicy curry, so they prepared water. Now we have a movie that gives a glimpse of everyone's life.

"New flowers"

Flowers! and put them on, adjusting them in millimeters so that the sheets next to each other didn't overlap. And this flower got a new name, Ren!

"Things in the invisible soil."

Two people are interested in clay paints. "What's going on in the soil of this tree?" "There are roots." From there, they drew thick roots, roots that go around and roots that get tangled. They went on to draw "Not just roots, but bugs!" and "Big ants are building ant nests!" and giant ants and giant centipedes appeared. The combination of the realistic colors of the soil paint and the paint expanded the world in the soil.

"I like stones"

"My favorite stone ..." She told me her favorite among many stones. Stone, I like. But if I bring a lot home, I will get angry. If I arrange it so neatly, I can have it at home. The way it looks changes depending on how it is placed. I'm sure she'll have a new stone collection at home.

"When it becomes a lump, it becomes hard!"

He tried to make a hole in a big lump of clay ... "I thought it was soft, but if it's a lump, it's hard!"

"They will gather"

A wonder that when you press your finger gently on the surface of the water, the grains collected from the plant are drawn closer together


She was dancing, happy to be displaying the treasures she had found, and she said, "Treasure means nice things." She also had a collection of wonderful things, weird things, scary things.

"I want to turn it into scales."

When she saw the pattern of the object of the image of a bird's nest with the cloth strung together "It looks like scales!," it seemed that the part of the cloth was seen as the scale of a fish. She said, "I want to change it to the scale," and she spread felt material inside the nest. The gap between the materials seemed to bother me, so she put a rug on top of it, and where there was still a gap, she put small round knitted pieces. After she left, looking satisfied, the girls who came next were enjoying adding more arrangements.

"Good place, right?"

I would take the whales, who were usually resting in drawers, out to the window "Good place, right?" and show them the wide ocean that Atelier could see.

"Draw by hand"

Put the paint in your hand, "Hands are palettes!" look at the hand print on the paper, "Palette hands!"

"Animal House"

"This is everyone's house. Everyone can come in. You can go inside from here." "Animal House" is made by carefully piling up many trees to prevent them from falling down.

"A series of 'maru'"

Tear a small piece of clay large enough to fit in the palm of your hand, roll it into a ball, tear it into a ball, and repeat. "Small dumplings are eaten by ants, slightly larger ones by hippos, and larger ones by elephants." Continue to line up.

"The shadows are all the same color"

Atelier in RISONARE Osaka is a place where pleasant light comes in before the sun sets. Children are also discovering new things from the light and shadows. A color sheet on the window reflects on the floor, and a stone in a nearby showcase receives sunlight. "The color sheet on the window is a colored shadow, but all the shadows under the stone are the same color!" I was told a wonderful discovery.


Many dots drawn with the fingers. "What is this?" "Guess what! Hint is a bird!" "Peacock?" "That's right!" If you look closely, the feathers are represented not only with the fingers but also with the palm!

"The Color of the Earth"

As she mixed it and looked carefully at the colors, she realized that she could draw it on a plate, and one of them was the completion of the earth. When I asked what kind of color it was, what kind of pattern it was, her hands kept moving. When her grandmother asked her, "You can't tell the color of the Earth until you look at it from space, can you?" She said, "I know the color of the earth," and she was painting seriously.

"Tree House"

He was piling the tree blocks high, putting a flat log on top, and arranging the animals there, when I heard the word "tree house."

"The Color of Night."

I like this black color "Is it black? Would you like to draw it?". I choose dark blue, which is very close to black. "It was the color of the night. paint the night" I will light this color (yellow) after painting the night.

“Muchakuchakuchakuch Centipede”

At first I was interested in the blue string on the table in the lab, so I told you how to connect it. It is fun to change the shape with the blue string such as "circle," "foot," "eye," etc. Since the string was gone, I asked him "Is there anything else I can use?," and he made further progress by using a chuck. Features and attention to detail become more and more abundant. The name was Muchakucha centipede, but it became "Muchakuchakuchakucha centipede" because "Not enough!."