
Yatsugatake Wine House where you can find 24 different wines from Yamanashi and Nagano Prefectures

Tasting 24 wines with ease

We have a wine server where you can easily taste 24 kinds of wine. Please enjoy the wine of Yamanashi and Nagano while experiencing the feelings of the producers and the unique wine culture and history nurtured in the local area.

You can enjoy a relaxing scene with wine at "VINO BOX" in guest room.

Yatsugatake Winehouse has prepared "VINO BOX" as an item that you can enjoy wine in guest room. VINO BOX is a carry-on wooden box with an original design and two layers.


2,800 yen


Recommended 2 wines (white wine Koshu, red wine Muscat Bailey A 200 ml each) + 4 snacks

Enjoy free BYO with more freedom of wine

BYO, which stands for "Bring Your Own (wine)," is a service where you can bring alcohol to a restaurant. The resort offers a free wine service to restaurants and cafes in property under the title "BYO Freedom Declaration." ■Target: Wine purchased at Yatsugatake Wine House