

Hour-Long Massage Treatment

Feel the power of Okinawa nature with your body and soul, and cultivate your spirit. We have prepared a menu that incorporates the natural power of Okinawa, such as the sea and plants. Through the treatment, you will calm your mind, and you will be prepared for a body full of spirit.By combining the strokes reminiscent of gentle waves and breathing, you will reach a state of deep relaxation and experience the comfort of being one with the movement of the waves.

Hour-Long Massage Treatment
PeriodAll year

Opening Hours 2:30 PM - 10:30 PM

Last Reservation available 8:00 PM 

Appropriate age
18 years or older
Hosted in
Japanese, English

・Some spas require guests to be over 16 years old.

・Some spas are only available in Japanese.

Reserve the activityLog in to the "Confirmation" page is required.
