
Socializing, learning, and soaking in ocean views

The dojo, with its red-tiled roof, open windows, and engawa (traditional Japanese veranda), serves as a space for cultural experiences such as enjoying physical activities and chatting. It is a gathering place rooted in Karate, a martial art originating from Okinawa.

Stimulate the senses and become one with nature

In the dojo, the scent of cedar and the uneven surface of the floor provide comfort for bare feet and stimulate the senses. The design is symmetrical so that the view of the sea is connected, creating a sense of unity with nature.

Martial arts originating in Okinawa

Experiencing Karate, originated in Okinawa, is a great way to make your stay more varied. We offer training that even beginners can safely participate in, as well as a two-night program where you can engage in physical and mental training, facing yourself.

Savor Bukubuku-cha

"Bukubuku-cha" is Okinawa's traditional tea from Ryukyu era. It is a tea made by boiling roasted rice with hard water peculiar to Okinawa, adding jasmine tea, and whisking. It is served in the afternoon at the dojo.

Discover tradition and taste

The dojo has a kitchen studio and an herb garden. Here, you can enjoy Okinawan food culture while learning how to use Okinawan herbs and exploring Ryukyu court cuisine.