Hotel Information

Hotel Information

For basic hotel information, please see the 'Hotel Details' section on our official website.

Know before you go

When is the check-in/out time?

Check-in is generally at 3:00 PM, and check-out is at 11:00 AM or noon. Please check the 'My Stays' page or the 'Hotel Details' section on the official website.

  • If you'll arrive later than your scheduled dinner time, please inform the hotel.

  • If you plan to check in after midnight, please notify the hotel.

Can I store my luggage before check-in?

We are happy to store your luggage before check-in and after check-out if it's on the same day, except for valuables and fragile items. Please inquire at the front desk for more details.

I would like to send my luggage.

You can send your luggage to and from our hotels.

  • To our Hotels

    Please have your luggage delivered to the hotel front desk the day before check-in. Please write the check-in date and the guest's name, as registered during the reservation, on the luggage for identification. Please bring a copy of the shipping slip, just in case.

  • From our Hotels
    Please inquire at the front desk for shipping slips, packing materials, and more.

Dining, Celebrations

Onsen, Public Bath, Swimming Pool


